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Dog Can’t Contain Excitement Watching Horse Race on TV

By: Clarisse Q
Clarisse is an effective freelance SEO writer for a dog magazine, combining her deep passion for animals with her professional skills. Her hands-on experience with rescued cats and stray dogs enriches her writing, enabling her to create engaging and informative content that resonates with pet parents and animal lovers.Read more
| October 17, 2024

Many people enjoy watching horse races, and some might even jump with excitement as their favorite horse nears the finish line. But Bella, a playful wheaten terrier, doesn’t care who wins; she just loves the thrill of the race and can’t contain her joy.

Image Source Credit via Tiktok

At first, Bella sits patiently, her eyes glued to the screen as she waits for the gates to open. She’s nearly vibrating with anticipation but manages to stay somewhat calm for the moment. You’d think she had a bet riding on the outcome!

The moment the gates swing open and the horses surge forward, Bella springs into action. She starts bouncing—once, twice—and lets out some enthusiastic barks and woofs. She gets some air as she hops up and down, never taking her eyes off the race.

Image Source Credit via Tiktok

Her bouncing turns into serious jumping as the horses speed around the track. She barks louder, almost as if she’s cheering on a favorite. By the eight-second mark, she’s leaping high, her barks reaching a fever pitch.

As the race heats up and the horses cluster around the first turn, Bella gets even more excited. When a clear leader emerges from the pack at 11 seconds, her barks become higher-pitched, and she continues to bounce, her back paws lifting nearly two feet off the ground.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

She keeps on bouncing and barking, completely immersed in the action. The video ends before we see who wins, so we don’t know the final outcome. But watching this joyful dog cheer on the horses was pure delight! Please share this heartwarming moment.

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@mustangmadddy She goes crazy for horse races she LOVES them!! Her name is Bella #dogsoftiktok #wheatenterrier ♬ original sound – MustangMaddy

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