It’s distressing to see how some individuals can be so cruel to animals. Recently, a defenseless dog was found with duct tape wrapped completely around his head.
Despite the heartbreaking scene, this story does have a positive ending:
On April 15, the Nebraska Humane Society shared this alarming incident. Animal Control officers responded to a call from someone who heard noises coming from a dumpster; she first thought it was a raccoon but was shocked to find a dog instead.

The dog’s condition was unbelievable: his entire head was covered in duct tape, his tail was taped, and his legs were bound together. He also had “food and other debris caked in his fur.”
“I have never seen anything like it,” responding staff member Kevin Wiederin told KETV. “The entire muzzle was taped, and then there was tape covering up the eyes and it was just sitting there and its front and back paws were taped together also.” “I was absolutely sickened. It was it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen,” he added. “I can’t imagine doing that to another living being, let alone a helpless little dog and then just throwing it away like trash.”
It was a miracle he was found when he was: according to the Nebraska Humane Society, just 30 minutes after Animal Control arrived, a truck came to empty the dumpster.
The puppy was taken to the Nebraska Humane Society. After sedating him, the staff carefully removed the tape. They had to shave his fur to get rid of all the debris.

They wrote on Facebook that while the pup had mild skin irritation, he was “otherwise healthy and seemed to be in good spirits despite his condition” and “perked up and was wagging his tail.”
With the tape removed, they were able to find a microchip. The dog’s name was Leo, and he had been missing for a few days.
Leo’s owner, Erin Dillon-Pasillas, said the dog slipped out of the house while she was taking her son to school. She spent days anxiously searching for him and contacting shelters.

“Every day got more stressful… it was just crickets,” she told KETV. “I was shaking, calling them. You know, thinking, please be my dog, please be my dog.”
Erin was relieved to have Leo back but was heartbroken over what had happened. “He’s the sweetest dog! I don’t know why anyone would do this,” she told the Nebraska Humane Society.
Leo is now recovering from the ordeal, and Erin said she would give him a good bath and take him for a vet check-up.
The person responsible has not been identified. The Nebraska Humane Society says there are no cameras near the dumpster where Leo was found. They are encouraging anyone with information to contact Animal Services at 402-444-7800 and are offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest.
It’s hard to imagine anyone doing such a thing to a gentle dog like Leo, but we’re grateful he’s safe and back home. We hope the person who did this is found and brought to justice.
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