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Dog Had Been On The Run For 2-Years, And No One Knew If It Was A ‘Boy Or Girl’

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| October 11, 2023

For over two and a half years, this stray dog roamed the streets alone. She became super matted through all the neglect and never let anyone close. Finally, a woman named Penny took notice of the poor girl and started feeding her every day…


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo via Facebook Watch


She had a plan to try and gain the dog’s trust, but it would take some work. Penny bought a kennel and started giving Miley chicken, and little by little she lured her in. The day she finally captured the matted dog was a joyous one, and you have to see the dog with a proper haircut today!

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