How far would your dog go for a snack? A Reddit user known as dickfromaccounting shared a photo of his Golden Retriever after the pooch crept onto a UPS truck in search of treats – and ended up getting a tour of the neighborhood instead!
It turns out the busy deliveryman forgot to toss the dog his usual biscuit as he passed by, causing the golden haired menace to take matters into his own paws.
In the image below, the guilty pup wears a Dog Shaming-style sign reading:
“The UPS man forgot to throw me a cookie so I snuck into his truck and took a ride around the neighborhood. He had to deliver me back to my house.”

Luckily the stowaway was returned home safe and sound once the driver discovered his presence. I’m sure this particular UPS man will never again forget the canine customers on his route, no matter how hectic his holiday schedule gets!
As it turns out, the treat-loving pup is not alone in his shame. Other Redditors shared their own stories of stowaway dogs, cats – and even goats!
Redditor archetypaldream revealed:
Reddit user CrankyCow said:
And Redditor Pangwiny shared:
H/T to Unilad UK