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Woman Zips Through Forest When Piercing Cries Come Through The Trees

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 26, 2024

Alone in the forest, an injured puppy endured unimaginable pain, longing for the warmth and safety of his mother’s embrace. The little pup, later named Forest, was separated from his family and left to fend for himself in the unforgiving wilderness. Despite the fear and discomfort, Forest held onto hope, letting out desperate cries in the hope that someone, somewhere, would hear him and come to his rescue. A compassionate dog rescuer, who was feeding stray dogs at a nearby garbage site, heard his piercing cries echoing through the trees.


Determined to help, she traced the sound into the woods. Her heart broke when she finally found Forest, his tiny body trembling and his eyes filled with fear. The young pup was visibly injured and unable to put weight on his left paw due to the pain.

At first, Forest was too frightened to let the kind woman approach him. Despite her gentle attempts, he kept his distance, unsure of her intentions. But she didn’t give up. Speaking softly and reassuringly, she slowly earned his trust. Finally, she was able to scoop the little pup into her arms and rushed him to a veterinary clinic for urgent care.


The vet carefully cleaned his wounds and prescribed treatment to help him heal. With the medical care he needed, the rescuer brought Forest to her home to foster him. She showered him with love and care, feeding him nourishing meals and creating a safe space where he could begin to recover.

The next day, Forest attempted to walk but cried out in pain, still struggling with his injuries. However, as the days passed, the treatment began to take effect, and Forest started feeling better. Slowly but surely, his pain lessened, and he began to explore his new surroundings with curiosity. His foster mom offered him endless affection, cuddling him and ensuring he knew he was loved.


As Forest’s health improved, his personality began to shine. He was full of gratitude and joy, often covering his foster mom with sweet kisses as if to thank her for saving him. In less than two weeks, Forest’s life completely turned around when he was adopted by a loving family.


Forest finally found the happiness he had longed for. Surrounded by his new family, who adored him unconditionally, he knew he would never have to face loneliness or despair again.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Forest’s journey from pain and abandonment to love and security was made possible by the incredible efforts of his rescuer, whose kindness gave him a chance at a beautiful future. Now, Forest spends his days living the life every dog deserves.

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