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Dog Thinks She’s Going Back To Shelter After An Outing, But She’s Mistaken

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 2, 2024

Life in a shelter is not easy for dogs, no matter how much care and affection they receive from the staff. While they may be safe and well-fed, a shelter is never meant to be their forever home. Dogs, like all animals, crave stability and a family to call their own. For some, that dream comes quickly, but for others, the wait feels endless. Franny, a gentle dog living in a Pennsylvania shelter, was one of those waiting far too long for her second chance.


Franny had been at the shelter for four months, and while the staff ensured her days were filled with care, they could see her yearning for something more. Danielle Baughman, one of the shelter workers, often took Franny out for walks and noticed the change in her demeanor each time they returned. Franny seemed to believe she was heading to meet a family, only to face the heartbreak of returning to her kennel. Her disappointment was palpable, and it weighed on everyone who cared for her.


On one outing, a volunteer named Lindsay took Franny for a walk. Seeing the dog’s sadness upon returning to the shelter touched Lindsay deeply. Wanting to cheer her up, she decided to bring Franny home for a sleepover. The dog’s joy was unmistakable as she explored a real home environment, finally able to relax and enjoy simple pleasures.

That night, Lindsay realized she couldn’t imagine life without Franny. The bond they formed during their brief time together was undeniable. By the next day, Lindsay knew what she had to do. She brought Franny back to the shelter, not to leave her behind but to finalize the adoption process. Franny didn’t understand at first and seemed heartbroken to return, unaware of the life-changing surprise awaiting her.


Once the papers were signed, Lindsay officially became Franny’s owner. Linday’s family was elated! The moment Franny realized she was going to her forever home was pure joy. Her sadness melted away, replaced by excitement and relief. For Danielle and the shelter staff, moments like this were why they worked so hard. Seeing a dog like Franny find happiness made every challenge worthwhile.

To celebrate the occasion and raise awareness for other dogs in need, Danielle captured Franny’s adoption story on video and shared it on TikTok. The post quickly garnered attention, with many viewers expressing their love for Franny and support for shelter dogs.


One commenter wrote: “I had my girl Lena for two days and I had to bring her back to the shelter so I could also sign her papers. She was so upset when we got there and so relieved when I brought her home. Still is!”

The story resonated with many, reminding them of the countless shelter animals still waiting for their own happy endings. Franny’s journey from despair to joy was not just her triumph but a testament to the impact of love and kindness.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Now thriving in her forever home, Franny is a symbol of hope for all shelter dogs. Her story encourages others to open their hearts and homes to animals in need, proving that every dog, no matter their age or background, deserves a second chance at happiness.

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@all_deez_animals Sometimes they find you when you werent even looking #fyp #dogsoftiktok #rescue #shelterdog #adopt #volunteer @animalprotectorsofav ♬ These Memories – Hollow Coves

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