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Guy Cradles ‘Broken’ Dog, Pulls Her In To Feel The Warmth Of His Heart

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on June 27, 2024

Lee, the founder of Asher House and an avid animal rescue and rehabilitator, instantly fell in love with a dog named Millie. The connection was immediate; Lee embraced her tightly, allowing Millie to feel his heartbeat, conveying a sense of safety and reassurance. Millie’s gaze was filled with hope, and Lee felt a deep responsibility to ensure her wellbeing. Millie needed time to heal and learn how to accept love in order to transform into the perfect companion for a family. Lee was happy to take on the challenge. The dog was amazingly sweet from the start!


As they left the animal hospital, Millie’s attachment to Lee became evident. She kept her eyes fixed on him, finding comfort in his presence. “Let’s go home,” Lee whispered as he settled her into his car, where she quickly relaxed and fell asleep. They were headed back to Asher House, where Millie would join the pack and learn how to ‘dog.’


Upon arriving home, Millie was eagerly greeted by the rest of Lee’s pack. The other dogs were thrilled to meet their new foster sister, embracing her into the family without hesitation. “Come on, Millie,” they seemed to say, welcoming her with open paws. Two months into her new life, Millie had undergone a remarkable transformation. She had gained weight and flourished under Lee’s care, embracing the joys of being a dog.


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Cats As Live Bait to Choking Dogs: Why Wasn't He Stopped Sooner?

Despite a history of violent behavior towards animals – including a widely circulated video showing his pit bull brutally mauling a helpless cat – this individual continued to harm animals without earlier intervention from law enforcement.

Millie ran freely, played to her heart’s content, and even ventured into the water. Watching Millie thrive brought immense pride and joy to Lee. “She’s happy. She’s everything a dog should be. I’m just so proud of her, and I love her so much,” Lee reflected, grateful for the journey they had embarked on together.

Millie is proof that there’s no such thing as a broken dog. She will continue to thrive under Lee’s care and the watchful eyes of her new doggy friends. Click’ play’ on the video below to see Lee and Millie’s initial meet-and-greet. It’s so incredibly heartwarming!

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