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Hospice Program Helps End-Of-Life Patients Keep Their Pets

By: Dina Fantegrossi
Dina Fantegrossi is the Assistant Editor and Head Writer for HomeLife Media. Before her career in writing, Dina was a veterinary technician for more than 15 years.Read more
| March 8, 2018

When pet lovers embark on their end-of-life journey, they often worry about what will happen to their beloved dogs and cats when they pass away or become too frail to care for them.

Some patients are lucky enough to have helpful friends or family members, but others are forced to give up their furry companions at a time when they need them most.

Related Post: How To Ensure Your Pets Are Cared For, Should You Pass Away

That’s where the nonprofit program, Pet Peace of Mind comes in. They partner with hospice and palliative care organizations across the United States to train volunteers and educate workers on the many health benefits of the human-animal bond.

“I know of countless patients who have said that their pet is their lifeline. Pets are great medicine for coping with the anxiety the comes from dealing with a serious medical condition,” says Pet Peace of Mind president, Dianne McGill. “For many patients, keeping their pets near them during the end of life journey and finding homes for their beloved pets after they pass is one of the most important pieces of unfinished business.”

St. Luke’s Hospice in Boise, Idaho partnered with Pet Peace of Mind in January 2016. Since then, a team of volunteers have helped 85 local patients and their pets with walks, feedings, litterbox changes and games of fetch.

In addition to home care services, Pet Peace of Mind also helps rehome pets after their owners pass. Rather than ending up in a shelter or abandoned on the street, these loving creatures are offered a second chance at love with a new family.

The Pet Peace of Mind program depends on donations and the kindness of their volunteers to educate and serve the public. Click here to find out how to you can help.


H/T to US News

Featured Image via Facebook/Pet Peace of Mind

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