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Improve Your Dog’s Skin & Coat With This One Simple Hack

| Published on December 28, 2017

So many dog breeds have health concerns – some minor, some major. My dogs, Golden Retrievers, don’t necessarily have a common problem, but due to the fact that they love, love, love the pool or any other water source, I have to keep a close eye on them. The water and the chlorine wreaks havoc on their skin and coats. I tried rinsing off the chlorine water, but that didn’t help much. They would often develop hot spots. Their coats were dull and thin, and they were constantly scratching or biting at their skin.

What to do about dull coats and skin problems

So on a visit to my vet, I asked if there was something I could do to help, and the vet asked if I gave the dogs an Omega supplement. I explained that I gave the dogs a high-quality dog kibble that claimed to have a balance of nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids.

This is where I learned my first mistake.


My vet explained how dog food, even though it claims to contain Omega-3, rarely has any fatty acids that are biologically available to dogs. Biologically available? I had to have my vet expand on that one. Apparently, when dog food is processed, it is exposed to high heat. Omega fatty acids just so happen to be very sensitive to high heat. So by the time you pour Fido a bowl of kibble, the essential fatty acids are no longer in a state that is beneficial to your dog. In addition to dry, itchy skin and unhealthy coats, I was told that Omega-3 deficient diets are associated with:

  • Prolonged healing of wounds

  • Increased allergic reaction effects

  • Decreased immune system function

  • Painful joints

  • Excessive inflammation

  • Hair loss

  • Ear infections

  • Hot spots

  • Excessive itching

Fortunately, my vet offered a solution. She recommended that I start my dogs on an Omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Sounds easy? Not so much. I also learned that all supplements are not created equal. The ingredients that are used to derive the fatty acids is key. I think most people know that salmon is high in Omega-3’s, but did you know Salmon can be high in toxins, such as lead and mercury?

Related: 13 Best Skin & Coat Supplements for Dogs

Big Fish = Big Trouble

Here’s how it works: large fish are typically higher up on the food chain, so they eat small fish, which each small fish, etc. So basically, the largest fish are consuming all of the toxins that smaller fish eat. They also have a longer lifespan, so this means they accumulate even more bad stuff. So the key is to start at the lowest point on the food chain. Krill! Small marine animals with a short lifespan. There’s some solid scientific research that confirms this. Bonus: krill have some of the highest Omega fatty acids contents of any marine animal. Added bonus: they’re super low in toxins.

The Good News. There’s a Solution!


So, that’s why I’d recommend Omega-3-6-9 Select soft chews. They are made from the highest quality krill meal, designed to provide your pup with the perfect balance of healthy oils. Plus, they’re available in small and large chews depending on your dog’s size. Within a few weeks of having my dogs take the chews, I began noticing that they weren’t itching as much and their coats looked shiny and healthy. These were just the benefits that I could see.

The Right Omega Makes All the Difference

So do yourself a favor…get your dog on an Omega-3 supplement. My dogs seem to love the taste of the Omega-3-6-9 Select chews. Plus, when you purchase Omega-3-6-9 Select chews, you will also be providing up to 21 meals for shelter dogs. So talk to your vet and to friends. Find what’s best for your dogs. Just make sure you make an Omega-3 supplement part of their daily diet. They made a splash with my dogs. Almost as big as the one they now make in the pool!

Learn More about Happy, Healthy Omega-3-6-9 Select Soft Chews. Each bottle provides 14 meals for shelter dogs!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional.

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