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Dog Ran With Long Strides To Catch His Owner But It Was All A Waste

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 13, 2024

While heading to work one morning, a man named Mert spotted something unusual on the road. A dog was frantically running after a car, clearly desperate to catch up. The dog’s long strides only exhausted him. He was never going to catch up. The sight stopped Mert in his tracks—he couldn’t just drive by and ignore the struggling pup. Mert pulled over to figure out what was happening. The dog, visibly distressed, paused and looked up as Mert spoke softly to him. Using a calm and gentle voice, Mert reassured the pup that he was there to help.


Almost immediately, the dog’s demeanor changed. He ran straight up to Mert, tail wagging and showering him with affection. “As soon as I started petting him, telling him it’s ok, he trusted me so much. I opened the back door of my car and he jumped [in],” Mert recalled.

Realizing the dog had been abandoned and left to fend for himself, Mert’s priorities shifted. He canceled all of his appointments for the day and brought the pup home. From the moment they arrived, Mert knew this dog needed love, care, and comfort more than anything else.


Incredibly, Mert is not just an ordinary dog lover—he spends much of his free time rescuing animals in need. It seemed as though fate had brought the two together. At first, Mert intended to find the dog a new family. “I initially planned to find him a new home. I introduced him to my family members, who are also other animals. He was such a behaved dog. He immediately made good friends and he stayed. I couldn’t give him away,” Mert says in the video below.


He named the pup Jean P, and from that moment on, Jean P’s life completely transformed. Gone were the days of abandonment and hopelessness. Instead, his days became filled with joy, companionship, and security. Jean P quickly adapted to his new home, bonding with Mert’s other animals and enjoying every adventure that came his way.


Thanks to Mert’s kindness, Jean P was given a second chance. He left his painful past behind and now lives a life overflowing with love and happiness.

Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera
Innocent Dog Harmed on Camera

The heartbreaking story of a man caught on video harming a pit bull with a rod is distressing. This level of violence against a defenseless animal should disqualify the abuser from ever owning or being near animals again.

Jean P’s story serves as an important reminder: If you can no longer care for your pet, don’t leave them to suffer on the streets. Take them to a shelter or find someone who can give them the care they deserve. Every pet deserves a safe and loving home.

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