Everywhere you look are scary stories and threats. The threat of the Kissing Bug and the disease it carries is no different. Here is what you should know:
Chagas Disease is a parasitic disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. The parasite lives inside an insect vector called “kissing bug”. These insects are biting bugs, so named because they like to bite people around the mouth and eyes.
The parasite can infect people and dogs. Chagas Disease is much more prevalent in South America and has a high mortality rate in infected dogs and people, especially in young animals. Infection typically causes a localized swelling, but then can go on to affect the heart, digestive system and can lead to death. At this time many affected dogs will have a history of travel to endemic areas, but there are certainly cases in the U.S.

Veterinarians and researchers at Texas A&M are specifically interested in the insect and the disease, so that if is does move rapidly into the US, they will be prepared. Panic is not warranted, but vigilance is.
The disease is transmitted with the carrier insect bites a human or dog and then defecates near the bite. The parasite is then able to transmit from the feces into the new host through the broken skin at the bite site. Transmission can also occur through mucous membranes or ingestion.
Housing conditions in this country are less favorable for the kissing bug, so most human cases here are seen in people that have traveled in endemic areas.

If you live in the Southern US and you see a bug that you suspect is a kissing bug, you can reach the researchers at Texas A&M with concerns by clicking here. As always, keep your dog current on his regular parasite protection and keep his bedding and housing insect free where possible.
BREAKING NEWS: According to the CDC, kissing bugs have been sighted in Georgia and Tennessee. Remain vigilant and if your dog is acting odd, see your vet right away!
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