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Guy Rescued Pair Of Pit Bulls, They Repay Him By Saving His Life

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 28, 2024

When considering a new pet, choosing to adopt from a shelter is always a wonderful option. It offers homeless or abandoned animals the chance to start fresh and experience the love they deserve. What many don’t realize is that, sometimes, the pet you rescue might end up saving you in return. This was exactly the case for Robert McGowan, who discovered just how transformative adoption could be. In a terrifying moment of crisis, his two shelter dogs, Ellabelle and Ladybug, came to his defense, proving that love and loyalty know no bounds.


Robert had adopted two Pit Bulls, Ellabelle and Ladybug, from a local shelter. These dogs had been through tough times before finding a home with him. Pit Bulls are often overlooked at shelters due to their unfair reputation for aggression, making them the most common breed left waiting for adoption. But Robert saw beyond the stigma and gave Ellabelle and Ladybug the love and care they deserved.

Despite their rough pasts, the two dogs quickly showed Robert just how gentle and affectionate they truly were. They settled happily into their new life, forming a strong bond with their new dad. But one terrifying night, their loyalty and love for Robert became more evident than ever.

Cool and good news/Facebook

While Robert was sitting in his garage, he was suddenly attacked by four strangers. The men assaulted him, leaving him with a black eye, and demanded his car keys. Robert, trying to stay calm, told them the keys were inside. But the would-be thieves were in for a surprise they never saw coming.

The moment Ellabelle and Ladybug sensed their owner was in danger, they sprang into action. Without hesitation, the two Pits rushed into the garage, barking ferociously and charging at the attackers.

MARS – My Animal Rescue Society – Mauritius/Facebook

“They chased them out,” Robert told The Dodo. “My girls ran into the garage and stood over me.” The two dogs stood protectively by Robert’s side, making it clear that no harm would come to him. Startled by the sudden intervention, the four men fled the scene.

Despite their fierce defense in that moment, Robert insists that his dogs are anything but aggressive. “They are rescues. Unwanted dogs,” he wrote. “They saved my life.”

Mama And Puppies Locked In Cages for Two Weeks Without Food or Water
Mama And Puppies Locked In Cages for Two Weeks Without Food or Water

A horrifying case of animal abuse has emerged in Brighton, Colorado, and we cannot stand by in silence. We must protect future animals from being around him.

Robert hopes his story will inspire others to consider adopting shelter dogs, reminding people that these animals are often full of love and loyalty. “Please consider adopting a rescue,” he urged. “They might save your life too.”

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