Luma and Picasso are a pair of special pups that face their own unique hardships. Though they come from a troubling past, they both have a loving rescuer and an impressive will to keep pushing through.
Liesl Wilhardt is a dedicated animal rescuer, and the founder of Luvable Dog Rescue in Oregon. Wilhardt has always had a deep passion for animal rescue, and opened her rescue in the hopes of saving as many furry lives as possible. It’s no wonder that a loving rescuer like her took on the challenge of bringing home pups like Picasso and Luma.
Picasso was surrendered to the shelter as a puppy, along with his brother when their breeder had difficulties finding them homes.
The two puppies were extremely close, but Picasso stood out from his brother. Picasso was born with a facial deformity that led him to look like the famous Picasso painting. His snout appears to be “twisted”, which gives him a distinct look that some people just didn’t understand.
Soon after their arrival, Picasso and his brother found themselves on the shelter euthanasia list. Just as they were about to run out of time, Wilhardt swept in and took the bonded pair into her Luvable Dog Rescue. While being fostered in her home, Picasso’s brother suddenly collapsed on a walk due to a brain aneurysm. With the sudden loss of his brother, Picasso had to lean on his new foster mom for support.
In her care Picasso has blossomed into the most caring, sensitive, and lovable dog that you could ever imagine. He embraces his differences, and uses them to help others! Picasso now serves as a therapy dogs for disabled children, humans, and other dogs.
Wilhardt brought Luma into her life when she was just a tiny puppy. Luma had severe deformities of all four limbs, leading her to scoot around like a little sea turtle. The original plan was to bring Luma into the rescue in hopes of putting her through physical therapy to eventually help her walk.
After performing X-rays, they learned that her deformities were much more severe than they had thought. X-rays showed that her shoulders, elbows, and wrists were all deformed. No amount of physical therapy would make Luma walk. No matter the grave diagnosis, Wilhardt was not going to give up!
The rescue soon went through multiple wheelchairs in an effort to get Luma mobile. After trying over and over again, they finally found that Luma is happiest left to her own devices. She truly loves scooting around on her belly, and has no problem doing so!
Luma truly enjoys her life, no matter what tries to hold her back!
These two pups truly find joy in each other’s presence, and in the arms of their amazing rescuer. Both of these incredible pups are a testament of making the most of what you have, and living your life to the fullest no matter what.
We are so happy that these two special fur babies live a life that they love, and that amazing humans like Liesl Wilhardt exist!
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