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Woman Gives Dying Dog Her Final Hug And She Springs Back To Life

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 28, 2024

When a dog enters our family, it captures a big part of our heart. And soon, life without them becomes unimaginable. This bond only deepens over the years, and the thought of saying goodbye is one that no pet owner is ever prepared to face. We’d love for them to live on as long as we do, but sadly, that is not reality. Unfortunately, that painful reminder arrived for a family in Baltimore, Maryland, when their beloved 17-year-old dog, Luna, fell seriously ill. As soon as Luna, a Toy Poodle mix began to show worrying signs—refusing food, unable to stand, and appearing to fade—her owners, Dr. Melo-Jean Yap, and Taina Brown, rushed her to the vet, hoping for some good news.


Instead, they were confronted with devastating advice: the vet suggested that it was time to say goodbye to prevent further suffering. With heavy hearts, they prepared for what they believed would be Luna’s final moments.

Luna had been part of their family for seven years after they adopted her from Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. Over those years, she was there through life’s joys and challenges, and her owners couldn’t imagine life without her. Now, they were bracing for the hardest goodbye.


But just when it seemed like the end had come, something remarkable happened. Luna, who had been limp and unresponsive, suddenly sprang to life. She could not walk nor eat, but once at the vet’s office for some time, it was as if her dimming light suddenly shone brighter. To their amazement, the frail dog jumped out of their arms and began walking as if nothing had happened.


The surprises didn’t stop there. Luna, who hadn’t eaten in days, eagerly devoured her favorite meal. The vet, along with Melo-Jean and Taina, was stunned by her unexpected recovery. Although they were overjoyed, they knew the reality of Luna’s age and health. In a heartfelt Instagram post, they expressed their gratitude for the extra time with their beloved pup: “We will continue to love this sassy golden girl ❤️❤️”

Mama And Puppies Locked In Cages for Two Weeks Without Food or Water
Mama And Puppies Locked In Cages for Two Weeks Without Food or Water

A horrifying case of animal abuse has emerged in Brighton, Colorado, and we cannot stand by in silence. We must protect future animals from being around him.

As they cherished each moment, friends and followers eagerly awaited updates on Luna’s condition. To everyone’s relief, the next update brought good news: Luna’s health was steadily improving. Although the future remains uncertain, Luna’s miraculous recovery has given her family precious extra time. Each day with her feels like a gift, and they are determined to savor every moment together.

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