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Male & Female Boxer Weights & Heights by Age

Written by: Ejay Camposano
A college graduate with a degree in Electrical Engineering, Ejay has a diverse background that combines technical expertise with a passion for pets and is now one of the content writers at IHD. Read more
| Published on August 9, 2023

Boxers, known for their muscular build, boundless energy, and affable demeanor, are a favorite among many dog enthusiasts. However, the growth trajectory of Boxer puppies can sometimes be a source of curiosity and concern for new owners. As these puppies transition from tiny, floppy-eared bundles to powerful, sleek adults, understanding their average weights and heights can provide valuable insights into their health and development. In this article, we’ll delve into the typical growth patterns of Boxer puppies, shedding light on what to expect as they reach their full potential.

Male Boxer Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a male Boxer from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Boxer’s growth.

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5-1 0.2-0.45 3-4 7.6-10.2
1 month 5-10 2.2-4.5 6-7 15.2-17.8
2 months 10-20 4.5-9 8-11 20.3-28
3 months 20-30 9-13.6 11-14 28-35.6
4 months 30-40 13.6-18 14-17 35.6-43.2
5 months 40-50 18-22.6 17-20 43.2-50.8
6 months 50-60 22.6-27.2 20-23 50.8-58.4
7 months 55-65 25-29.5 21-24 53.3-61
8 months 60-70 27.2-31.8 22-25 56-63.5
9 months 65-75 29.5-34 23-26 58.4-66
10 months 70-80 31.8-36.3 24-27 61-68.6
11 months 75-85 34-38.5 24-27 61-68.6
12 months 80-90 36.3-40.8 24-27 61-68.6
2 years 65-85 29.5-38.5 23-25 58.4-63.5
3 years 65-85 29.5-38.5 23-25 58.4-63.5


Female Boxer Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Boxer from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Boxer’s growth.

Female Boxer Growth Chart

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5-1 0.2-0.45 3-4 7.6-10.2
1 month 4-9 1.8-4 5-6 12.7-15.2
2 months 9-18 4-8.2 7-10 17.8-25.4
3 months 18-28 8.2-12.7 10-13 25.4-33
4 months 28-37 12.7-16.8 13-16 33-40.6
5 months 37-47 16.8-21.3 15-18 38.1-45.7
6 months 45-55 20.4-24.9 17-20 43.2-50.8
7 months 50-60 22.6-27.2 18-21 45.7-53.3
8 months 55-65 24.9-29.5 19-22 48.3-55.9
9 months 58-68 26.3-30.8 19-22 48.3-55.9
10 months 60-70 27.2-31.8 20-23 50.8-58.4
11 months 62-72 28.1-32.6 20-23 50.8-58.4
12 months 63-73 28.6-33.1 20-23 50.8-58.4
2 years 55-70 24.9-31.8 21-24 53.3-61
3 years 55-70 24.9-31.8 21-24 53.3-61

Note: The above figures are averages and can vary based on factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health. It’s always essential to consult with a veterinarian regarding any specific growth concerns.


FAQs about a Boxer Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. How quickly will my Boxer puppy grow?
    Boxer puppies experience rapid growth in their first year. By 6 months, they typically reach about half of their adult size. Growth slows down from there, but they continue to develop and fill out until 2-3 years of age.
  2. Is my Boxer puppy’s weight on track for his age?
    While there are average weight ranges, it’s essential to consider other factors like genetics and overall health. Regular vet check-ups can provide better insight into whether your Boxer’s weight is appropriate.
  3. How tall will my Boxer get?
    Most male Boxers reach a height of 23-25 inches, while females average 21-24 inches. However, individual height can vary based on genetics and other factors.
  4. When will my Boxer stop growing?
    Boxers generally finish their vertical growth by 18 months but may continue to fill out, gaining muscle and weight, until they’re 2-3 years old.
  5. What should I feed my growing Boxer puppy?
    It’s crucial to feed Boxer puppies a high-quality dog food formulated for large breed puppies. This ensures they receive the correct nutrients for healthy growth and bone development.
  6. Why does my Boxer puppy have a lanky appearance?
    During growth spurts, Boxer puppies can appear lanky or gangly. This is normal, and they will eventually fill out as they mature.
  7. How often should I monitor my Boxer puppy’s weight?
    It’s a good idea to weigh your Boxer puppy every month to ensure they’re growing at a consistent and healthy rate.
  8. Are Boxers prone to any growth-related health issues?
    Yes, like other large breeds, Boxers can be prone to hip dysplasia and certain joint issues. Regular vet check-ups and proper nutrition can help mitigate these risks.
  9. Can over-exercising affect my Boxer’s growth?
    While Boxers are energetic, over-exercising during puppyhood can put undue stress on their developing joints. Ensure play and exercise are age-appropriate.
  10. How can I tell if my Boxer is overweight or underweight?
    You should be able to feel, but not necessarily see, your Boxer’s ribs. If you’re concerned about their weight, your vet can provide guidance.
  11. Do male and female Boxers grow at the same rate?
    Generally, male Boxers are larger and might grow at a slightly faster rate than females, especially during the early stages of puppyhood.
  12. When do Boxers have their most significant growth spurts?
    Boxers experience noticeable growth spurts between 4 to 8 months but can have smaller spurts outside this range.
  13. Can neutering or spaying affect my Boxer’s growth?
    Neutering or spaying can affect hormone levels, which may influence growth. It’s best to discuss the ideal timing with your veterinarian.
  14. What are the signs of stunted growth in Boxers?
    Stunted growth can manifest as a Boxer being significantly underweight, having a lackluster coat, or not reaching expected height milestones. Always consult a vet if you have concerns.
  15. Does my Boxer’s paw size indicate his future size?
    While many believe large paws indicate a puppy will grow into a big dog, it’s not a definitive sign. Genetics and overall health play more substantial roles in determining adult size.
  16. Is there a way to predict my Boxer puppy’s adult size?
    While you can estimate based on the size of the parents and current growth charts, predicting exact adult size is challenging due to various influencing factors.
  17. Can I switch my Boxer to adult dog food after he’s 12 months old?
    It’s generally recommended to keep your Boxer on puppy food until they’re at least 18 months to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for growth.
  18. How much should my Boxer puppy eat daily?
    The amount varies based on age, weight, and activity level. Always follow the recommended guidelines on the dog food label and adjust as needed with your vet’s guidance.
  19. Will my Boxer’s coat change as he grows?
    Boxers may experience slight changes in coat texture and thickness as they transition from puppy to adult, but their overall coat color remains consistent.
  20. What’s the best way to ensure my Boxer’s healthy growth?
    A balanced diet, regular veterinary check-ups, proper exercise, and plenty of love and care will set your Boxer puppy on the path to healthy growth and development.

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