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Baby Owl Heard Man Whistling It’s Favorite Tune, Comes Running Into Man’s Arms

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| January 23, 2023

Axel Avram is an ardent bird lover whose main focus lies in preserving and keeping safe the species of owls. He selflessly offers his aid to baby ones who are rejected, unwell, or orphaned because of deforestation.

In this touching video, we can witness the bond he has created with one of these little birds as a result of all his generosity and love!


Source (Screenshot) credit: Rumble Viral – YouTube


With the baby owl in this video, Axel operates as if he’s dealing with a mischievous pup. The two have even established their own language of communication – all Axel needs to do is whistle twice and his feathered friend will come running! Watch as one man captivates an entire species with his magical powers of ‘owl whispering’!


Source (Screenshot) credit: Rumble Viral – YouTube


As soon as the tiny owl hears his dad’s distinctive whistle, he quickly perks up and begins to sprint around the yard with his peculiar jumps. Watching him flutter those enormous wings as he scurries toward his loving father is a beautiful thing!


After making his way to Axel’s arms, the adorable birdie wraps himself up and joyfully greets him with loving pecks and cute little hoots! What an endearing moment it was!


Source (Screenshot) credit: Rumble Viral – YouTube


Although owls are solitary creatures who usually remain guarded, this innocent youngster has found solace in his caring human companion. As we watch him mature into a beautiful and vocal bird, it’s clear he is developing an extraordinary personality! Hear the vibrant chatter between Axel and his new friend – their conversation will surely leave you captivated!


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