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Monthly Cost to Own a Yorkie

Written by: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| Published on October 29, 2023

The Yorkshire Terrier, commonly known as the Yorkie, is a small breed with a big personality. While they may not consume as much food as larger breeds, their grooming needs and health care can lead to significant expenses. This article offers a month-by-month breakdown of what it costs to care for a Yorkie, covering everything from nutrition to grooming and healthcare.

1. Food Expenses

Despite their small size, Yorkies have specific dietary needs that can impact the cost of their food. A budget of $20 to $30 per month is typical for high-quality dog food that caters to small breeds with high energy levels like the Yorkie.

2. Treats

Treats are important for training and bonding, but due to their small size, Yorkies require only a small quantity. Owners should budget approximately $5 to $10 monthly for treats, ensuring they are suitable for small breeds to prevent choking hazards.

3. Veterinary Care

Routine veterinary care is critical for Yorkies, who are prone to certain health issues. Monthly, owners might spend $30 to $50 for check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative medications, with additional costs for any special health needs.

4. Grooming Needs

Grooming is one of the larger expenses for Yorkie owners due to their long, silky coats. Professional grooming can range from $30 to $60 per month, while at-home grooming supplies will add to the cost.

5. Training Costs

While Yorkies are intelligent and often easier to train, professional training can help with obedience and socialization. Group classes might cost $50 to $100 for a series, averaging to a monthly cost of $10 to $20.

6. Toys and Enrichment

Toys are essential for keeping a Yorkie mentally stimulated and physically active. A monthly budget of $10 to $20 can provide a variety of toys suitable for a small dog’s play needs.

7. Accessories

Basic accessories for a Yorkie include a harness (preferred over a collar to protect their delicate trachea), a comfortable bed, and bowls for food and water. These can range from $15 to $30 per month, including replacements and occasional upgrades.

8. Insurance

Pet insurance for a Yorkie, while optional, can be a prudent choice to cover unexpected health issues. Monthly premiums can vary widely, typically between $20 to $40, based on the plan’s coverage.

9. Miscellaneous Costs

Additional expenses such as pet sitting, grooming tools, or emergency vet visits should be factored into the budget. An extra $20 to $30 per month is advisable for these potential costs.


In summary, the monthly cost of owning a Yorkie in 2023 can range from approximately $150 to $280, depending on various factors like living location, choice of products, and the individual needs of the dog. This estimate helps owners prepare for the financial responsibility of caring for their Yorkie, ensuring they can provide for all the needs of their small but spirited companion.


Frequently Asked Questions About The Cost of Owning A Yorkie

1. How much does it cost to feed a Yorkie each month?

Feeding a Yorkie typically costs between $20 to $30 per month. The small size of Yorkies means they require less food, but they do best with high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs. Costs can vary depending on the brand and whether you opt for wet or dry food.

2. What is the average monthly cost for Yorkie treats?

You should budget about $5 to $10 per month for Yorkie treats. While treats are an important aid in training and a way to give your pet a little extra love, Yorkies are small and don’t require large quantities, which keeps this cost relatively low.

3. How much should I budget for veterinary care for a Yorkie?

The average monthly cost for veterinary care for a Yorkie is typically $30 to $50. This includes routine vet visits, vaccinations, and preventative medications. However, due to their predisposition to certain health conditions, it’s wise to budget for potential additional health care costs.

4. What are the grooming costs for a Yorkie?

Grooming costs for a Yorkie can range from $30 to $60 per month if you use professional grooming services, as their long, silky coats require regular care. You can reduce these costs by learning to groom your Yorkie at home, but you’ll need to invest in the right tools.

5. Are Yorkies expensive to train?

While Yorkies are intelligent and can be easy to train, professional training classes can cost $50 to $100 for a series, which averages out to about $10 to $20 per month. This cost is optional and can be minimized by using free online resources or books.

6. How much will I spend on toys for a Yorkie each month?

Expect to spend around $10 to $20 per month on toys for a Yorkie. They enjoy a variety of toys, including chew toys and soft plushies, which can help prevent boredom and promote physical activity.

7. What type of accessories do I need for a Yorkie, and how much do they cost?

Essential accessories for a Yorkie include a harness, leash, bed, and food bowls, which can cost between $15 to $30 monthly. Since Yorkies have delicate throats, a harness is preferred over a collar, and these costs can vary depending on the quality and brand of items you choose.

8. Is pet insurance for a Yorkie worth it, and what is the average cost?

Pet insurance for a Yorkie can be worth the investment, especially to cover unexpected health issues, and typically costs between $20 to $40 per month. The cost of insurance will depend on the level of coverage you choose and your Yorkie’s age and health.

9. Are there any unexpected costs with Yorkies?

Unexpected costs with Yorkies can include emergency vet visits, teeth cleaning, and special dietary needs, so it’s a good idea to set aside an additional $20 to $30 per month. It’s also important to remember that while they are small, Yorkies can be prone to certain health issues that may lead to unforeseen expenses.

10. Can I reduce the monthly expenses of owning a Yorkie?

To reduce the monthly expenses of owning a Yorkie, consider buying food and treats in bulk, grooming your pet at home, and ensuring regular veterinary check-ups to prevent expensive health issues down the line. Additionally, investing in quality accessories that last longer can lead to savings over time.

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