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PPAWS Works With Mission Rabies To Vaccinate Thousands Of Animals in Cambodia

By: Amber LaRock
Amber LaRock is a writer and reviewer for iHD. She is a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in the field, and she now creates informative content for pet parents.Read more
| September 22, 2019

Mission Rabies is a worldwide project that helps to fight the spread of rabies in less developed parts of the world. Dedicated animal lovers in Cambodia joined forces with this mission, and accomplished something truly incredible.

Many of us are lucky enough to live in a part of the world where the threat of rabies is not waiting at our doorstep. In developing parts of Asia and Africa, rabies is a common problem, which causes families to fear dogs due to their potential to carry this deadly virus. Each day, 100 children around the world die from rabies. 99% of these cases were acquired from an infected dog bite. Mission rabies is working tirelessly to change this awful statistic.


The Mission rabies team has funded mass vaccination projects in several parts of Asia, and took their mission to the streets of Phnom Penh, Cambodia this past August. Since about 800 people a year die from rabies in Cambodia, the citizens of Phnom Penh were thrilled to welcome this life-changing project.

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A Khmer local helping to vaccinate the strays in his neighborhood.

Among the team of dedicated volunteers, was the Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society (PPAWS). PPAWS is a team of veterinary and animal professionals that work to improve the welfare of animals in Cambodia, and help to limit the spread of disease and over-population among the stray animal community. PPAWS took the lead in this project along with the help of Animal Rescue Cambodia, and took to the streets to vaccinate every animal in their path!

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The team at PPAWS vaccinating the dogs at a local pagoda.

Dr. Kea, the lead veterinarian at PPAWS recruited a large team of students from the local Veterinary University, along with other dedicated animal lovers in the city. They soon began the incredible 10 day mission, which spread to every corner of the city of Phnom Penh.

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Dr. Kea with a patient at PPAWS.

This Mission Rabies project successfully vaccinated 6400 animals on the streets of Phnom Penh. This is a project unlike anything Cambodia has ever seen, and will undoubtedly change the lives of human and animals alike.  Along with the vaccination of so many at risk animals, was the spread of important information to the locals about the importance of preventing rabies.

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Vaccinated dogs receive a red mark to show they have already been vaccinated.

So many changes in this world can be made through the spread of proper education, and there’s no doubt that this project did just that with their incredible efforts.

We send a world of thanks to the passionate workers of this project, and everyone who helps to improve the lives of animals in Cambodia!

mission rabies
Volunteers for the Mission Rabies project.

Follow the Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society to keep up with their continuous work for the animals of Cambodia.


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