A street puppy named Rodney suffered from severe skin infections caused by mange. Niall, an avid animal rescuer, got a call from friends who found the puppy. Niall took the needy pup in, eager to help him. Niall was overwhelmed by Rodney’s condition, unsure if he’d survive.

Niall stayed up 48 hours straight, keeping a watchful eye on Rodney. Thankfully, Rodney was a fighter and pulled through. The next order of business was to get him proper medical treatment. He needed antibiotics for the infections as well as special baths and ointments. Rodney was such a trooper!

The animal rescuer dubbed Rodney a “fighter” with a strong will to live. Despite all he was going through, the puppy loved to play and chew on toys. This was an excellent sign! Quickly, Rodney’s fur began to grow in! It was miraculous!
Check out Rodney’s complete story below and witness his dramatic transformation. Just wait until you see Rodney now!