Willie is a dachshund that was found abandoned and paralyzed in a Florida dumpster only a few weeks ago, but today he’s at home with a lucky family in Tampa helping to brighten up their lives as they provide him with the companionship and comfort he needs as well.

The Florida mother of two autistic children, Sandy Lewers, visited a Tampa animal shelter recently, although she didn’t intend on adopting a dog. But when she entered the facility she could hear the sound of the distinct sound of a dachshund bark, having grown up with the tiny canines, and knew she had to see him.
The retired postal worker said that she “demanded to see him,” and when she did her heart instantly melted. It’s hard to believe just weeks early a Humane Society employee found Willie in a box next to a trash bin near their facility. The dachshund’s tail and hind quarters from the waist down are paralyzed and it would take a special home to care for him.
Lewers said that as she already has a dog that is in a wheelchair in addition to the kids, she was ready. She adopted Willie and brought him home that day to add to her menagerie of four other dogs and a cat.
A wheelchair that was custom made for dogs was donated for Willie who is now learning to walk with its assistance. Lewers’ children, 18 and 21, took to him quickly and her son Kevin is assisting with his training. Lewers said that he is trying to be just like Cesar Millan from the “Dog Whisperer” TV show. Lisa, her daughter, was initially hesitant but it didn’t take long she decided to allow her new dog to sit next to her.
Lewers said that Willie has helped the children “tremendously” and that he’s even helped her daughter to overcome some serious sensory issues.
The director of the Human Society of Tampa Bay, Sherry Silk, said this is a pretty rare situation as dogs found in trash bins don’t often find such a perfect fit, especially so quickly. But it seems that this turned out to be a wonderful Christmas story with an especially happy ended for all. Willie’s life was not only saved by being adopted into a loving home to spend the remainder of his years, but his love also helped the Lewers’ family as well.
Silk said they were very glad that could help the little dog and that this story particularly touched everyone’s heart.
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Photo Source: http://dogjournal.tumblr.com/image/70488683183
Article Source: http://abcnews.go.com/US/rescued-paralyzed-dog-helps-autistic-kids/story?id=21249572