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Boys Prove Where There Are Villians, There Are Heroes When They Save This Dog

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 23, 2024

Through animal rescue, we have learned that wherever there are villains, there are heroes. This contrast was clearly demonstrated when four young boys from the 7-mile area of Detroit took extraordinary action to save a dog in desperate need. Brothers Kenny, Kenneth, and Kevin Dancy, along with their friend Andrew Daniels, were helping a local woman move when they stumbled upon a heartbreaking sight. They found an abandoned dog tied up behind a house with bungee cords. The dog was severely underweight and shivering from the cold. Realizing the urgency, the boys knew they had to help immediately.

Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue/Facebook

The heroic boys wrapped the dog in a winter coat to keep her warm, freed her from her restraints, and took her home to provide food and water. They decided to name her Sparkle.

While walking Sparkle through the neighborhood, the boys happened to cross paths with members of the Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue. They shared Sparkle’s story with the rescue team, who suspected that she might also have mange. The organization quickly took her in for medical care and later posted the story on Facebook, calling the boys “heroes” for their actions.

Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue/Facebook

“You could tell they really love this dog,” said Theresa Sumpter, the founder of the organization, to WDIV. “They were protective of the dog and wanted to make sure she was going to a good place.” After Sparkle was examined at the shelter, it was confirmed that she didn’t have mange, allowing her to be quickly placed for adoption.

Pet Tales Rescue, a partner organization, managed the process and placed Sparkle with a foster mom who could provide her with the love and care she deserved.

Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife
Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife

In a horrifying case that has come to light, two brothers filmed themselves as they committed unspeakable acts of cruelty against dogs and wildlife. The brothers have been jailed for their offenses. A lifetime ban on animal ownership for abusers is not just warranted – it's essential for the protection of all animals.

The story doesn’t end there. The four boys, who received widespread recognition for their kindness, went on to rescue two more dogs in their neighborhood. With the help of Detroit Pit Crew Dog Rescue, they were able to get those dogs off the streets and into veterinary care. Aren’t these boys amazing?!

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