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Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Act Hungry All The Time?

[IHD_Article-Above] We know the scenario. You have a snack and your dog is watching you expectantly, even though you know she just ate. It makes you wonder if you are feeding her enough or maybe it was someone else’s job to feed her today and they have forgotten. The sound of candy wrappers will summon your dog like nothing else. Someone who did not know would swear he was starving, but you know he is not. Why does your dog … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things Every Husky Owner Should Watch For

Siberian Huskies are energetic, fun, and sociable dogs. They are typically very healthy and interested in anything that you are. Certain diseases and disorders seem to crop up more frequently in particular breeds of dogs, known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by multiple breeds, and very few are exclusive to a single breed. Here are a few things that Husky owners should know about.   1. Skin … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things You Should Know About Your Dog’s Butt

We all love our dogs from the tip of their nose to the tip of their tails, but dogs’ butts are not usually the topic of dinnertime conversation. A dog’s anus and the surrounding area (called the perineum) are not what we think of first when we think of our dog, but there are some important things that all dog owners need to know about their dog’s butt. Butt It’s About Multitasking A dog’s butt is more than just a … Read more

Ask A Vet: Should My Dog Wear A Coat In Winter?

There are two camps of people in the world, dog people and… everyone else! I am only kidding, but there are people that think dogs are “only animals” and do not need all that we provide them with. For those people I have a thought: our dogs are not wolves and not even wild animals at all. We have taken them into human society and they have adapted to it. This process is domestication. Domestic pets, especially indoor dwelling ones … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Hate The Mailman?

Some dogs really hate the mail man. We humans know that the mail must be delivered and that there must be someone to do it. We are grateful for the delivery and often wish that our dogs would feel the same. Some delivery people carry dog treats for the dogs along their route and not all dogs seem to hate them, but many do. The ones that do hate delivery people seem to really hate them fervently. To get to … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Human Snacks That You Can Share With Your Dog

Fortunately dogs do not crave salty fattening snacks like some of us (specifically me) do. They tend to be more opportunistic eaters and are grateful to get a taste of whatever we offer. If you indulge in salty, greasy snacks, it is not great to share those, but you can choose from the better alternatives and be healthy for you both. Read on for some of our favorite snacks to share with our dogs! Blueberries Blueberries are tiny powerhouses. They … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things Every German Shepherd Owner Should Watch For

Most people know a German Shepherd when they see one. These classic beauties are historically our soldiers and protectors. They are police dogs, guide dogs, and friends. Certain diseases seem to crop up more often in certain types of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by multiple breeds. Very few of these types of issues are exclusive to a single breed. For Shepherds, … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Bark At Me When I Have A Hat On?

Have you ever walked up on your dog wearing a hat and she seemed to panic like she did not recognize you? Frightened dogs can start to bark furiously and seem like they cannot be reasoned with. It can be a scary experience for you both. We humans surmise that our dogs are not able to recognize us when we have head gear on, but have you thought about why? It seems crazy. Our dogs know us. They know our … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things Every Labrador Retriever Owner Should Watch For

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dog in the country. I see at least one every single day in my practice. They are very often kind, friendly and playful. They are comical and fun favorites in my office. It is important to know that certain diseases and disorders seem to crop up more often in particular breeds of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things Every Dachshund Owner Should Watch For

Dachshunds are popular and sociable dogs. The most common is the miniature Dachshund. They all have a distinctive appearance with their long backs and it is the feature that puts them at greater risk for one of the things on this list. Certain diseases and disorders seem to crop up more frequently in particular breeds of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by … Read more

Ask A Vet: 5 Dog Behaviors That May Mean More Than Meets The Eye

No one understands your dog quite like you, but since we don’t speak the same language, there are still a few behaviors that remain a mystery to us humans. Below are 5 things that dogs do that may mean more than meets the eye. A Tail Wag Is Not Always Friendly. When we think of a dog wagging its tail, we always think about our own happy dogs that are pleased to see us or excited about a treat or … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Things Every Pit Bull Owner Should Watch for

My practice cares for a large number of pit bull and pit bull type dogs. They are stoic and kind. They do seem to be predisposed to certain issues everyone should be aware of. Certain diseases seem to crop up more often in certain types of dogs. These are known as breed associated disorders. Each type of dog has its own list, but many of the issues are shared by multiple breeds. Very few of these types of issues are … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Like To Sleep Under The Covers?

Does your dog love to bury himself under your covers to sleep? Many dogs do. It is fun to think about why they might do this seemingly very human thing. If we consider the way a dog sees life, it is easy to imagine why he tucks himself in at night. Animals depend on the concept of resources. Resources are things like food, water, and shelter. Your bed represents a shelter or den to your dog. Since the bed is … Read more

From The Vet: 3 Signs Your Dog Has An Ear Infection

Ear infections are one of the most common presenting complaints for dogs in the United States. Veterinarians across the nation regularly see patients with ear disorders. The most common is called Otitis Externa or more simply “inflamed outer ear”. Ear infections can also be in the middle and inner ear, but these are less common than otitis externa. Although otitis can be caused by a bacterial infection, there are many causes and complicating factors, like fungal infection, parasites and allergic … Read more

From The Vet: 5 Secrets To Giving Dogs Meds

Every dog needs medications at some point in his life. Funny thing is… we are supposed to be the smart ones, right? Then why is it that our dogs completely have our number when it comes to taking medications? There are lots of reasons that your dog knows what you are up to and we have to consider each one to win this battle. We know that the way to a dog’s heart is through his stomach, but we also … Read more

Why Does My Dog Kick After He Poops?

Dogs are such fun and watching them (and trying to explain their behaviors) is almost as fun as people-watching at the mall! We have all seen dogs madly kick at the ground behind them after they eliminate. Some people think that they are trying to “clean up the mess” by covering it, but “cleaning up” isn’t exactly our dogs’ forte! If a dog is truly attempting to cover the excrement, it is more likely to be an effort to hide … Read more

Ask A Vet: How Often Should I Bathe My Dog?

It is culturally expected that most human beings shower or bathe everyday. We can even bathe more often as circumstances present themselves. We all know that gross feeling we get when we know we need a shower and we may get kind of paranoid that we smell bad. Your dog has no such concern. She does not care how bad she smells and probably even rolls in bad odors just for the fun of it. WE care how our dogs … Read more

Ask A Vet: Can My Dog Recognize Other Dogs Of His Own Breed?

Just the other day, a client told me that she thinks her darling pug, Buzzby, is able to recognize other pugs when he goes to day care or a dog park. She says that he gets very excited to play with another pug that looks like him. I believe her. I think that he finds other pug features very familiar, but maybe not because he knows what his own face looks like. I think it is something simpler than that. … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Is My Dog Afraid Of Thunder & What Can I Do?

Lots of dogs are afraid of thunder. We are fairly sure that the sound is what triggers the fear for most dogs, but some believe that barometric pressure and other features associated with storms may also elicit fear. A dog has learned that storms are unpleasant and for certain dogs, the tendency to develop phobias is already present. Fear is a natural response to a threatening situation and thunder can seem threatening to many dogs. Fear becomes classified as anxiety … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Love To Ride In The Car?

Some dogs truly adore riding in the car, to the point that the excitement associated with opening the doors can make them tremble or jump up and down. On mornings when I can take my dog, Skye, to work, she is overjoyed. She races back and forth to the door out to the garage if I do not come along as quickly as she would like. It makes me smile and I love to take her because she seems so … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Pee When She’s Excited?

You can envision the scenario. You just arrived home and your dog is excited to see you. As you bend over to pet her, you see her squat and you don’t even have to look to know she has urinated on your floor. Sometimes she will even step in it and smear it around before you can stop her. If your dog is not an adult, she might do this because her bladder sphincter (the muscle that helps her hold … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Bark When She Wants Something?

Everyone knows their own dog’s voice. But does it surprise you to know that dogs seldom bark to communicate with other dogs? I think we can all agree that barking is a form of communication, but our dogs have learned through watching our responses that certain things will prompt us to perform certain actions. They bark for our benefit! 1 Animal experts agree that barking is certainly an attempt to convey a need: physical, emotional or social. A bark could … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog’s Hair Suddenly Stand On End?

Have you ever been walking your dog when suddenly he stops and all the hair along his back stands up? This process is called piloerection and it is mediated by tiny muscles in the skin. People experience piloerection too, except we call it “chill bumps.” We can experience them when we are afraid, like in a scary movie or when we are actually chilled. Your dog’s piloerection can occur from the same stimuli. Contraction of the muscles that pulls the … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Jump On Me?

Everyone that has ever met a dog has been jumped on. Puppies do it almost reflexively and it is a behavior that seems to be present in most dogs and must be trained away and replaced with something else. Animals do things for a reason (even if that reason is merely that they like it). I think that there is more to jumping up than just a bad habit. It might help to try to see the world through a … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Pace Back And Forth?

Humans are not as tuned in to body language as dogs are, but we have all seen dogs pace back and forth. They can pace in the house or in a yard or even the car. The reasons can vary. One thing is for sure, pacing is a very specific behavior that is repetitive and sometimes difficult to distract from. It can be annoying, but understanding the reasons might help you be less annoyed and maybe even find a plan … Read more

Ask A Vet: What Do Dogs Prefer? Treats Or Praise?

No one has even been able to completely explain how our dog friends came to be our friends. It is a special and unique interface that we have. Dogs live with us in our homes and walk with us on the paths of our lives every day. We want to reward them for their friendship, but since we cannot ask them which rewards they like best, we just don’t know exactly how. Dogs seem to like food rewards and they … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Twitch In His Sleep?

Have you ever seen a dog lying down asleep, but his muscles are twitching and jerking? Actually, it happens to humans too, but we are asleep and probably don’t notice! Involuntary muscle twitching is called myoclonus and it routinely occurs in both species. Dogs are actually a lot like us when they sleep. Polysomnography (a sleep study that records brain waves) proves that dogs experience similar brain changes when sleeping as humans. They can engage in all kinds of movements, … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Female Dog Hump Things?

“Humping” in our pet dogs is awkward to us because it is not a behavior that we exhibit in public. Sexually explicit behaviors are not well received in human society and are even against the law in some cases. But those social rules only apply to humans. To dogs, mounting is not particularly associated with sexual behavior.  It is just another way to communicate when one cannot use words. So we have to subtract our human nature and try to think like … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Do Some Dogs Get Separation Anxiety?

Anxiety Disorder in humans is characterized by fear that impacts quality of life. Dogs feel fear too, of course. Fear is a normal response to a frightening stimulus, but normally is transient. Normal fear keeps an animal safe by helping him respond and escape from threatening situations. Only maladaptive fear causes self-harm or prolonged misery. Separation anxiety is when a dog responds fearfully when separated from their owner. It is a maladaptive fear disorder that can cause profound damage to the human-animal … Read more

Ask A Vet: Is It Safe To Take My Dog Running With Me?

Many people these days find running to be a great way to keep in shape and they wonder if they can take their dog along. Veterinarians and physicians alike agree that exercise is a wonderful way to maintain health, both mental and physical. If you want to take your dog along on your runs there are a few things you should consider. How rigorous are your runs? Make sure you are not asking too much of your dog who may not be … Read more

Ask A Vet: Why Does My Dog Take The Squeaker Out Of Toys?

We all delight in watching our dogs play and some dogs have specific ways of interacting with their toys. Sometimes this will include tearing the toy completely apart and rendering the squeaker ineffective. Many dogs seem bent on removing the squeaker as if they want it to stop. We know when we play with our dogs the squeaking sound seems to really fire up the play. Some dogs seem to be very excited by the sound and this could be … Read more