It’s no secret that Pugs come with a certain number of health issues. Some of these issues stem from their body shape and breeding practices over the years. If you are thinking of adding a Pug to your family or already have one, it’s a good idea to know the types of issues that are common in the breed so you can watch for symptoms. The following are the top three health concerns for your Pug.

#1 – Brachycephalic Syndrome
Pugs are one of the brachycephalic – short-nosed breeds. They have a lot of issues when it comes to breathing because their respiratory tracts do not allow for the free flow of air in and out of the lungs. All those cute snorts, snores and snuffles your Pug makes or those bubbles that come out of his nose are the result of your dog trying to get enough air in and out to stay alive. Some may have their tongue hanging out more than “normal” dogs. For some Pugs, surgery is required to fix severe deformities including elongated soft palates, everted laryngeal saccules, or stenotic nares.
#2 – Pug Dog Encephalitis
Pug Dog Encephalitis is a neurological disease found only in the Pug breed and is different from other forms of encephalitis in that it is not caused by an infection. It is thought that it could be hereditary because it seems to effect dogs that are closely related, such as littermates. It causes pain, seizures, and death. Since it may be inherited, definitely ask any breeder about occurrences of PDE in their lines.
#3 – Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
This immune system disease is common in Pugs. It causes the body to attack its own red blood cells. It can be primary or secondary (being caused by another disease or toxin). AIHA causes a host of symptoms including very pale gums, listlessness, disorientation, and your Pug may be hard to wake. Without treatment, it is fatal. Even once diagnosed, dogs with AIHA must be monitored closely.