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10 Hilarious Things Only a Chesapeake Bay Retriever Owner Would Understand

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| May 17, 2023

Howdy, fellow Chessie enthusiasts! If you’ve ever shared your home with a Chesapeake Bay Retriever, you know that life with these curly-coated comedians is like being in a long-running sitcom – there’s love, laughter, and a whole lot of goofiness. Here are ten hilarious things that only a Chessie owner would understand.

1. The Water Worship

Chessies adore water. They will splash, swim, and submerge themselves at every opportunity. Kiddie pool in the backyard? Ocean-like bath! Automatic sprinklers? Best. Toy. Ever. Rainy day? Time to dance!

2. The Chew-sade

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are on a lifelong crusade to chew. Shoes, furniture, toys – you name it, they’ve gnawed it. Ever tried explaining to your boss that your dog really did eat your presentation?

3. The Slobber Art

Chessies are artists at heart, and their preferred medium? Drool. Your clothes, your furniture, and yes, even your walls will become their canvas. It’s abstract art, really.

4. The Mood Coat

Their coat doesn’t just repel water; it also serves as a mood indicator. Excited? Stand back for the fluff explosion. Chilled out? Behold the sleek, wavy curls. Every day is a surprise!

5. The Dual Personality

Chesapeake Bay Retrievers are the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of the dog world. One moment they’re serious and focused, the next they’re romping around like overgrown puppies. It’s like living with a furry, four-legged comedian.

6. The Pillow Preference

For a Chessie, the best pillow is a human. Doesn’t matter if it’s your lap, your chest, or your face, if it’s part of you, it’s perfect for them. Who needs personal space anyway?

7. The Duck Obsession

Chessies and ducks are a legendary pairing. Whether it’s a real duck, a toy duck, or a picture of a duck, prepare for your Chessie to be fascinated. And if it quacks? Well, you’re in for hours of entertainment.

8. The Guardian Angel Act

Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever takes the job of guarding you very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they’ll protect you from the mailman, the neighbor’s cat, and even your own vacuum cleaner.

9. The Bear-like Behavior

Chessies are known for their bear-like appearance and behavior. They’ll dig, they’ll lumber around, and they’ll give you the most bear-like, bone-crushing cuddles. And let’s not forget the legendary Chessie bear-like snore!

10. The Unconditional Love

Despite their quirks, Chessies are big-hearted dogs who love their families with a fervor that’s as deep as the bay they’re named after. The joy of a Chessie greeting you after a long day is a feeling unlike any other.

Being a Chesapeake Bay Retriever owner is a unique blend of laughter, love, a little bit of frustration, and a whole lot of joy. Their antics will make you smile, their loyalty will touch your heart, and their love will fill your home. To all my fellow Chessie owners out there, here’s to you and your lovable, laughable, loyal companions. We’re part of a breed club that understands the unique hilarity of living with these wonderful dogs!

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