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10 New Year’s Resolutions for Dogs

| January 1, 2015

These ten dogs have New Year’s Resolutions…though some don’t seem truly committed to theirs.

#1 – I will wear the cone of shame less

I don’t mean to wear the cone of shame all the time, but I like to get into things. And itch myself…a lot. This year, I am going to wear it less so the other dogs will stop calling me “satellite.”

Image source: @MoToMo via Flickr
Image source: @MoToMo via Flickr

#2 – I will lick more, bite less

Everyone loves a licker, I’ve been told. So, I am going to lick the mailman next time he comes, instead of bite him. (Even if he is trespassing…)

@MichelleTribe via Flickr
Image souce: @MichelleTribe via Flickr

#3 –  I won’t look in the garbage for treats

You get so mad (though I don’t really understand why), I will stop treat-diving in the garbage. (Even though you throw away some perfectly good morsels….waster…)

Image source: @CJSorg via Flickr
Image source: @CJSorg via Flickr

#4 – I will run more

This is the year I will win the race to the water bowl at the dog park. I can feel it! Or, at least I won’t be last to the water bowl…

Image source: @swong95765 via Flickr
Image source: @swong95765 via Flickr

#5 – I won’t chew on your shoes anymore

I know this makes you mad. (Besides, I ate all the good ones already).

Image source: @josh via Flickr
Image source: @josh via Flickr

#6 – I will stop blaming the cat

It’s true, I was the one that destroyed the living room chair last summer. From now on, I won’t blame the cat. (But there’s always the new puppy…)

Image source: @aniconoclast via Flickr
Image source: @aniconoclast via Flickr

#7 – I will cuddle more

I am going to make my owner make time for more cuddling. Cuddling cures any bad day.

Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr
Image source: @TarotheShibaInu via Flickr

#8 – I will stay on my side of the bed

In the past, I have pushed her off the bed. This year, I am going to (try) and stay on my side of the bed. (Though she could just get me that CalKing I have been hinting at…)

Image source: @anutkak43 via Flickr
Image source: @anutkak43 via Flickr

#9 – I will stop Surfing the Counter

So I get the garbage thing (no, not really), but you take food off the counter, why can’t I? Well if really bothers you that much, I’ll stop (at least, when you are at home…)

Image source: @IvanHernandez via Flickr
Image source: @IvanHernandez via Flickr

#10 – I will stop eating from the cat litter box

Since I can’t get away with it (you always know when I do because the lid keeps getting stuck around my neck), I guess I will stop. (At least until you get a lidless litter box. Maybe. Someday. A dog can dream…)
Image source: @IvanHernandez via Flickr

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