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10 People Foods You CAN Share With Your Dog

Written by: Scott H
Scott Haiduc is the Director of Publishing for iHeartDogs, iHeartCats and The Hero Company. When not working, Scott spends his time on the farm, taking care of his animals and crops.Read more
| Published on July 14, 2017

We love to share food with our dogs, be it doggie treats or some snacks we love as well. There is a lot of warning against feeding dogs food meant for people, and there is a lot of truth to it. However, there are some people foods that are perfectly safe for your dogs to eat. Remember that the key in all treats is moderation, and be prepared that some dogs react differently to certain foods that others. So if you’re feeling prepared to share some food with your pup, here are some snacks that are safe!

#1 – Apples (minus the core)


Apples are a great snack for our pets, as they are full of delicious fiber and offer a sweet treat! However, be sure not to ever feed your dogs the core, as the seeds are poisonous. A nice little slice here and there is an excellent way to share some love with your dog.

#2 – Cheese


Cheese is a very popular treat for trainers and show handlers alike, because it’s easy to use small pieces in moderation and tastes absolutely delicious! So if you’re home snacking on some cheese, you’re safe offering your pup some of your tasty food. It’s also rich in calcium and protein – a healthy bonus!

#3 – Eggs


Eggs are a very healthy treat that you can not only give your dog as a snack, but add to his meal! Eggs are full of protein and calcium, and are often easily digested by dogs who have sensitive tummies. Hold the salt and pepper, though, when feeding eggs to your pooch.

#4 – Green Beans


Green beans are an excellent source of fiber, and your dog can eat them raw or cooked. When cooking, make sure there is no salt added and they are fresh or frozen plain green beans. This veggie is actually a great choice for those looking to take some weight off their dogs, as they are very filling and low in calories.

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