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Recently Adopted Shelter Dog Waits With ‘Excitement’ For Her Owner To Return Home

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| May 20, 2022

If there is one thing we love… it’s when we see dogs greeting their mom or dad when coming home! This story is extra special, so, be sure to WATCH the video all the way to the end,  you will not regret it! ❤️



Image/Story Source Credit: Tails of A Shelter Vet via YouTube Video




This adorable girl was rescued and taken to a new home where she may call her own. And, as seen in the video below, she’s waiting for her dad to return. Her new life is so much better than what she had experienced previously, and she couldn’t be happier in her forever house.




Image/Story Source Credit: Tails of A Shelter Vet via YouTube Video




The dog can’t wait when Dad comes home and begins making his way across the yard to meet his new pup. She’s so happy that she rushes to the gate before he even reaches it! She goes crazy and wags her tail endlessly as soon as she sees the person who brought her from the shelter offering her a second chance at life.


OMG! Just wait until you see the dog’s reaction!  Click To Continue >>

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