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A Traveling Couple Finds Puppy On A Mountain Covered In Blue Spray Paint

By: Dee Michaels
Dee Michaels is a passionate and accomplished writer, renowned for his heartwarming and engaging stories on more
| July 20, 2024

While traveling, Wes and Enes encountered a heartbreaking sight on the side of a mountain: a small puppy covered in wet spray paint and injured. The pup, later named Blue, wagged his tail and seemed happy to receive their affection. Moved by his condition and spirit, the couple decided to take him to their hotel, where they gave him a much-needed bath. This act of kindness marked the beginning of Blue’s journey to recovery and a better life.


While on the side of the mountain, Wes and Enes noticed a mother dog and three other puppies resembling Blue. They speculated that these dogs were Blue’s family. Realizing Blue’s health was in peril, they knew they couldn’t leave him behind. With a sense of urgency and compassion, they picked him up and took him back to their hotel, determined to care for him and give him a chance at recovery and a better life.


Blue’s first bath revealed that someone had deliberately sprayed him with ink. Despite his injuries, Blue seemed content to soak in the warm water and later took a nap. However, at 2 A.M., Blue woke up in agony, panting and with a high temperature. The couple rushed him to a 24-hour vet, who believed that Blue had fallen off a hill and was in critical condition. Without their intervention, Blue would have likely passed away.

The vet took Blue in for ten days, giving him the necessary shots and ensuring his proper healing. Between his prolonged vet visit and then staying with the couple, Blue began transitioning from a street dog to a domesticated animal. The couple, now deeply attached to the pup, wished they could keep him. However, as full-time travelers, they knew Blue needed stability and a routine. They turned to Instagram to find a loving home for Blue.


After several video calls, they found the perfect home for Blue with Austin and Tori, who had a one-year-old Golden Retriever. After flying from Turkey to Denver, Colorado, the couple took Blue to his new forever home. Though it was a heartbreaking day, they knew they had made the right decision.

Blue’s new family, Austin and Tori, and their Golden Retriever, Bogey, were thrilled to welcome him into their lives. Blue is now spoiled, happy, and living the life the couple had hoped for him. They believe that their paths crossed with Blue because destiny intervened. Wes and Enes saved his life! And in turn, Blue reminded them that anything is possible through the power of love and compassion.

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