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Dog Who Grew Up In A Cage Does A ‘Happy Dance’ For Rescuer

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| October 21, 2024

As animal lovers, we understand how much love they truly need. Unfortunately, not all dog owners understand this concept. Many of these pets are given the bare minimum. These people assume that, as long as they are fed and have a safe place to live, they will be okay, but this is far from the truth. Dogs thrive on being surrounded by affection and attention from their families. They need companionship, not just a bowl of food and a dog house in the yard. For one pup, this was her reality.


Audray, a pet rescuer, received a call about a dog who spent her entire life caged up in the backyard. For four years, she lived in the yard with just a dog house and dirty buckets to hold her food and water. This poor pup was struggling. Her pen wasn’t cleaned out on a consistent basis.

Concerned neighbors called Audray, and after some persuasion, her owner agreed to give her up. What amazed Audray was that despite the dog’s pitiful state, she was so happy to see her. She wagged her tail like crazy, longing to leave the cage behind and start a new life.


Soon, the pup was freed and was taken by Audray to the vet clinic where she received a clean bill of health. The dog’s demeanor was so upbeat. She loved everyone she met. Audray vowed to find her a forever home where she would be cherished. But first she needed some training sessions. The pup excelled! Next, it was time to head to her foster home.

Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.
Ban the sale of puppy mill dogs at pet stores to end this cruel industry for good.

Puppy mills are mass breeding operations that run solely to make a profit. Support a nationwide ban on selling puppy mill animals at pet stores.

The dog, now named Belle, thrived! She is now ready for the ‘home she never had.’ To learn more about Belle and fill out an adoption application, click here. Thank you, Audray, for saving Belle! Play the video below to see Belle’s rescue. She does the cutest happy dance when she first sees Audray!

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