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Weakened Pit Bull Drew Strength From Her Doting Brother

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 24, 2024

A wonderful couple decided to take in an emaciated Pit Bull and nurse her back to health. The dog, they named Khaleesi, was so thin she couldn’t stand on her own. Her new foster parents were determined to get her to a healthy weight so she could go on to her forever home. Khaleesi was put on a strict diet. She ate three ounces of food every thirty minutes. This diet eventually helped the skinny pup stand on her own and even walk a few steps.


One of the most heartwarming moments came when Khaleesi was able to stand and eat out of her own food bowl. She wagged her tail in celebration! She was so proud of herself. To strengthen Khaleesi’s bones and muscles, her foster dad would place the food further away from her each day, so she had to walk a greater distance to get to it. It worked like a charm! When she climbed up the stairs for the first time, it was truly a miracle.


Khaleesi’s greatest motivation was her new foster brother, Sonny. She watched everything he did and did her best to follow along. Khaleesi’s foster mom says, “Sonny’s presence was significant in her recovery.” 70-lb Sonny immediately understood that Khaleesi was smaller and in a vulnerable state. He was so gentle with her! He laid down with her when Khaleesi was too weak to stand. He kept her company, always ensuring her that he would be by her side no matter what.

Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife
Two Brothers Filmed Themselves Abusing Dogs and Wildlife

In a horrifying case that has come to light, two brothers filmed themselves as they committed unspeakable acts of cruelty against dogs and wildlife. The brothers have been jailed for their offenses. A lifetime ban on animal ownership for abusers is not just warranted – it's essential for the protection of all animals.

Sonny would lay on his back next to Khalessi so they could still play together. Khaleesi’s foster mom states in the video, “Sonny’s her emotional support dog.” The doggy siblings were too perfect to separate, and soon, the couple officially made Khaleesi a foster fail.


This heartwarming story is too sweet to miss. Even though Khaleesi had a rough start in life, she ended up exactly where she belonged. Click the video below to experience the full tale.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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