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Dog Mom’s Sweet Instincts ‘Shine’ When Newborn Puppy Struggles to Find Her

By: Russel Moneva
Russel Moneva, a Viral Content writer at iHeartDogs, finds joy in both crafting engaging content and pursuing his passion for basketball and fitness whenever he's not immersed in his work.Read more
| August 21, 2024

In anticipation of their Golden Retriever’s approaching labor, these dedicated pet owners took extra care to create a serene and secure environment in their living room. This thoughtfully prepared space was meant to be a sanctuary where the new mother could nurture her puppies in peace. With a comfortable bed and plenty of room for her and her new litter, it was an ideal setting for a mother dog to bond with her babies. The owners made sure that the mother could come and go as she pleased, giving her the freedom to move around the house, but the puppies were kept safely within the enclosure for their own protection.

Image Credit: YouTube

As the puppies began to adjust to their new world, most of them seemed perfectly content, curled up with each other, and drifting into peaceful slumber. The warmth of their mother’s scent and the security of their new surroundings allowed them to relax and sleep soundly. However, one puppy was different. Unlike his siblings, who were happily nestled together in a cozy pile, this little one was restless. He wasn’t looking to sleep; he was searching for something—or rather, someone—who was missing.

In a heartwarming video shared online, you can see this tiny pup exploring his new surroundings, his little nose twitching as he tries to find his mother. It’s clear that he’s on a mission, and his soft whimpers soon turn into louder cries. The sound is both endearing and a little heartbreaking, as it becomes apparent that the puppy is feeling lost without the reassuring presence of his mom.

At this stage in their development, newborn puppies are still very much dependent on their mothers. Their eyesight isn’t fully developed, so they rely heavily on their sense of smell and touch to navigate their world. This particular puppy, separated from his mother, begins to panic as he realizes she’s not immediately by his side. His whimpers turn into almost frantic cries, echoing through the room.

The mama Golden Retriever, who had momentarily stepped away from her litter, immediately picks up on her puppy’s distress. Her maternal instincts kick in, and she quickly makes her way back to the enclosure. She pauses at the entrance, her head tilted slightly as she observes the situation. Even though her puppy’s cries are loud, she doesn’t rush in. Instead, she stands there for a moment, assessing the situation with a calm and composed demeanor. It’s almost as if she’s making sure there’s no real emergency before stepping in.

Despite his mother’s quiet approach, the little puppy continues to cry out, his small body trembling slightly from the effort. Recognizing that her presence is needed, the mother dog slowly enters the enclosure, moving with the kind of grace and gentleness that only a seasoned mother possesses. She approaches her distressed pup with care, bending down to give him a thorough sniff from head to tail, as if checking to ensure he’s unharmed.

Image Credit: YouTube

But in a surprising move, instead of lying down next to him as one might expect, the mother dog chooses to settle down with one of the other groups of sleeping puppies. Perhaps she’s trying to encourage her lone pup to join his siblings, to understand that he’s part of a pack where he’ll always find warmth and comfort. Or maybe she’s simply trying to maintain her routine, knowing that in time, her little one will find his way back to her.

The lonely puppy, sensing that his mother was just there but now missing again, doesn’t give up. Driven by instinct and guided by her scent, he begins to waddle towards the spot where she’s lying with the other puppies. His small legs are still unsteady, and he stumbles a bit, but his determination is unwavering. His mother, lying patiently, watches him with what can only be described as quiet encouragement.

But just as it seems he’s about to reach her, the little pup becomes disoriented. He turns back around, confused, and begins to circle the enclosure, his cries growing louder and more urgent. The sight of her puppy in such distress is too much for the mother to bear. Unable to watch him struggle any longer, she stands up once more and gently walks over to him. This time, there’s no hesitation—she lies down right beside him, enveloping him with her warmth and comfort.

Finally, with his mother by his side, the little puppy settles down. His cries soften as he nestles close to her, finding solace in her presence. He quickly latches on for a meal, his tiny body relaxing as he feeds. It’s a tender moment between mother and child, a beautiful display of the nurturing bond that exists between them.

However, the peaceful scene doesn’t last long. The commotion has roused the other puppies from their slumber. Hearing the soft sounds of feeding, they too begin to stir, realizing that it’s time to eat. One by one, they begin to make their way over to their mother, eager to join their sibling in feeding. Despite the interruption, the mother dog remains calm and patient, welcoming her other puppies with the same gentle care.

Image Credit: YouTube
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What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.


The Golden Retriever mom proves herself to be a truly exceptional mother—loving, attentive, and always in tune with the needs of her puppies. Her actions in this video are a testament to the powerful bond between a mother and her offspring, a connection that transcends words and is expressed through acts of care and devotion.

For anyone in need of a dose of joy today, this heartwarming video is sure to bring a smile to your face. The sight of this mother dog caring for her puppies, ensuring they feel safe and loved, is a beautiful reminder of the unconditional love that exists in the animal world. It’s moments like these that remind us of the simple, yet profound, ways in which love and care are expressed, and how even the smallest gestures can mean the world to those we hold dear.

Click the video below to watch this incredible story!

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