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Trapped Dog Sought Refuge On Sinking Car As Waters Surged Around Him

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| December 19, 2023

Animal rescuers go above and beyond on a daily basis. Some even travel miles to dangerous locations knowing that is where they’re needed most. When Keith first spotted the scared, injured dog, later named Rob, he knew he had to help. With a calm, soft voice, he reassured the frightened animal, “I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m gonna be back for you, okay? I’m coming back.” As Hurricane Florence unleashed its fury, Keith and his team were determined to save as many animals as possible from the floodwaters.


Florence was the third storm Keith and his team faced, and they knew they had to act fast. Armed with only a canoe, they loaded up their gear and set out to check houses for any animals in need of rescue. As they moved through the rapidly rising waters, they came across Rob, who was injured and struggling to stay above the waterline.

With injuries that appeared to predate the storm, Rob needed help fast. Using a paddleboard with a wire cage, Keith and his team managed to lift the frightened dog out of the water. Just two hours after his rescue, the car Rob had been clinging to was completely submerged.


Rob was taken to a temporary shelter, where his transformation was immediately apparent. As he began to heal, he quickly became a favorite among the staff and earned his nickname, Handsome Rob. Keith made a point to spend time with the pup after coming back from a long day. He knew that he couldn’t let the system fail Rob again. This dog was destined to be part of Keith’s family.


Once Rob settled into his new home, his true personality shone through. Energetic and loving, he couldn’t get enough of waking up his new dad with morning kisses and dancing around the house. Rob found his place on the couch and got along well with the other dogs despite his penchant for stealing food.

Handsome Rob’s story is one of love, survival, and the power of human compassion in the face of disaster. Thanks to Keith and his team’s dedication, this once-frightened dog has found a loving home and a bright future.

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