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One Pound Terror That Tortured Mom Sets His Sights On Little Girl

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| April 6, 2023

Paola volunteered to foster a one-pound puppy named Jack Frost. The little guy was absolutely adorable– but full of mischief. He’d rarely calm down, and Paola had her hands full. The tiny puppy was surely a challenge, but that all changed when Jack met someone very special.


When Jack heard the sweetest little voice, he’d come to the gate immediately. A sense of longing washed over him. The voice belonged to Paola’s little girl, Ali. The foster mom devised a plan; if Ali brought him peace, she should be the one to train him.


Ali used toys to motivate the pup. And even though Jack loved their playtime, he preferred to chew on his blankets. With patience and training, Jack learned how to trust his foster family. When he began to sleep on his back, Paola knew he was truly settling in.


As with any foster, saying goodbye is a challenge. It was especially hard for Paola because Jack had already chosen his person, and that was Ali. This wasn’t the ideal scenario, and Paola had no idea what to do. Paola’s next move is too good to miss! Thank you to all the animal rescuers and fosters out there. We couldn’t be more grateful!

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