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Shaking Shelter Pup Gets Ready to Reveal Her True Self

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| August 12, 2024

Puppies are meant to be loved and cared for, but sadly, some end up in the hands of people who lack compassion. Jennings was an incredibly sweet puppy who deserved to be cherished, but instead of love, she faced neglect and trauma. Her cruel owner confined her in a wire cage outdoors, leaving her to sit in her own waste for days. She was miserable and developed a deep fear of humans. Fortunately, rescuers stepped in and brought Jennings to Orangeburg County Animal Control in South Carolina. Once placed in the noisy shelter, Jennings retreated to a corner, trembling with her ears pulled back, clearly terrified.

Orangeburg County Animal Control and Shelter/Facebook

Her eyes, filled with fear and sadness, touched the hearts of the shelter staff. Orangeburg County Animal Control shared a video of Jennings on their Facebook page, appealing to rescues for help. The team at Labor of Love Transport Rescue saw the video and was deeply moved by her condition. Jennings appeared defeated and broken.

“When we saw his video yesterday, our hearts broke into pieces. We have never seen such a young puppy so terrified, and we rescue a lot of scared dogs,” the rescue shared in a Facebook post.

Orangeburg County Animal Control and Shelter/Facebook

Labor of Love Transport Rescue took Jennings under their wing, vowing to give her the love she deserved and ensuring she would never be harmed again. They cleaned her up and gave her a new name—Juniper, or Junie for short.

The rescue team spoke gently to her, offering kind words and reassurance. Juniper was still very afraid of people, flinching every time someone tried to touch or pick her up. Despite her overwhelming fear, Juniper felt a sense of safety with her new caregivers.

Labor of Love Transport Rescue/Facebook

“One thing we already know about her, despite her tremendous fear of humans, she knows she is safe with us. She hasn’t once tried to bite or nip at all. She has tried to run away, but any scared dog would,” the rescue noted. Juniper was placed in a foster home where she met other dogs who became her companions. They helped her gain confidence and feel more at ease. “Actually, it only took her a few days to become very playful with the other dogs. Now she struts around like she owns the yard, and she is a happy little dog. She still struggles with trusting humans,” the rescue shared in an update on Facebook.

Labor of Love Transport Rescue/Facebook

Juniper needed a nurturing presence, and she found it in Lucie Lou, a motherly rescue dog who seemed to understand that Juniper needed extra care. As Juniper started to feel more comfortable, she began to come out of her shell. She enjoyed playing with Lucie Lou and even started smiling with a newfound hope in her eyes.

Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs
Footage Exposed a Dog Daycare Worker Abusing Dogs

What these dogs went through must have been terrifying and painful. That's why we're demanding true and complete justice for these pups and their family.

Her foster family continued to work with her, treating her with love and patience as they earned her trust. Juniper began attending doggie daycare, which she enjoyed, helping her to come out of her shell further.

She’s now a completely different dog from the one who cowered in fear in the shelter. Her eyes, once filled with terror, now sparkle with joy. This sweet girl from South Carolina now wears a beautiful smile, reflecting the happiness she has found. Juniper proves there’s no such thing as a ‘broken dog.’ That’s why it’s important to ADOPT and NEVER SHOP!

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