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Male & Female Australian Shepherd Weights & Heights by Age

By: Arlene Divina
Arlene Divina, one of the content writers at IHD, loves going on adventures with her adorable fur baby. She now creates informative content for pet parents. Read more
| August 11, 2023

The Australian Shepherd, with its vibrant coat and boundless energy, is a breed that captivates many. Yet, as they transition from tiny pups to agile adults, understanding their growth patterns becomes vital. Charting the average weights and heights of Australian Shepherd puppies offers a window into their health, development, and eventual stature. In this article, we delve into the fascinating journey of these pups, ensuring that owners are well-equipped with the knowledge to nurture them. Join us as we explore the intricacies of their growth, shedding light on what to expect at every stage.

Male Australian Shepherd Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of male Australian Shepherds from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Australian Shepherd’s growth.

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5 – 1.3 0.23 – 0.59 3 – 5 7.6 – 12.7
1 month 5 – 10 2.27 – 4.54 5 – 9 12.7 – 22.9
2 months 10 – 20 4.54 – 9.08 8 – 12 20.3 – 30.5
3 months 20 – 30 9.08 – 13.6 11 – 15 28 – 38.1
4 months 30 – 40 13.6 – 18.1 14 – 18 35.6 – 45.7
5 months 35 – 50 15.9 – 22.7 16 – 20 40.6 – 50.8
6 months 40 – 55 18.1 – 24.9 17 – 22 43.2 – 55.9
7 months 45 – 60 20.4 – 27.2 18 – 23 45.7 – 58.4
12 months 50 – 65 22.7 – 29.5 20 – 24 50.8 – 61
2 years 55 – 70 24.9 – 31.8 21 – 25 53.3 – 63.5
3 years 55 – 70 24.9 – 31.8 21 – 25 53.3 – 63.5


Female Australian Shepherd Weights & Heights by Age

The following chart contains the average weights and heights of a female Australian Shepherd from newborn to 3 years of age. Please note these are only averages. Always consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your Australian Shepherd’s growth.

Age Weight (pounds) Weight (kg) Height (inches) Height (cm)
Newborn 0.5 – 1 0.23 – 0.45 3 – 5 7.6 – 12.7
1 month 4 – 9 1.81 – 4.08 5 – 8 12.7 – 20.3
2 months 9 – 18 4.08 – 8.16 7 – 11 17.8 – 28
3 months 17 – 27 7.7 – 12.25 10 – 14 25.4 – 35.6
4 months 25 – 37 11.34 – 16.8 12 – 17 30.5 – 43.2
5 months 30 – 45 13.6 – 20.4 14 – 19 35.6 – 48.3
6 months 35 – 50 15.9 – 22.7 15 – 20 38.1 – 50.8
7 months 38 – 54 17.24 – 24.5 16 – 21 40.6 – 53.3
12 months 40 – 58 18.1 – 26.3 18 – 22 45.7 – 55.9
2 years 42 – 60 19 – 27.2 19 – 23 48.3 – 58.4
3 years 42 – 60 19 – 27.2 19 – 23 48.3 – 58.4


These tables are based on general guidelines and can vary greatly depending on individual dogs. Always consult with a veterinarian or professional breeder for more specific information about your pet’s growth and development.

FAQs about an Australian Shepherd Puppy’s Growth and Development

  1. 1. How much should my Australian Shepherd puppy weigh at 6 months?
    By 6 months, male Australian Shepherd puppies typically weigh between 40-55 pounds (18.1-24.9 kg), while females range from 35-50 pounds (15.9-22.7 kg). However, weight can vary based on genetics, diet, and exercise. It’s essential to track your puppy’s weight to ensure they’re growing healthily.

    2. When will my Australian Shepherd puppy reach its full height?
    Most Australian Shepherds reach their full height by 12-16 months. While some minor growth may continue, major height changes usually cease by this age.

    3. How can I ensure optimal growth for my Australian Shepherd puppy?
    Provide a balanced diet formulated for large-breed puppies, regular vet check-ups, appropriate exercise, and proper socialization. Quality food is crucial, ensuring the right nutrient balance for healthy growth.

    4. How often should I feed my growing Australian Shepherd?
    For puppies up to 3 months, feed 4 times daily. From 4-6 months, reduce to 3 times daily. After 6 months, twice-daily feeding is generally sufficient.

    5. My puppy seems smaller/larger than the average growth charts. Should I worry?
    Growth charts are general guidelines. If your puppy deviates, it could be due to genetics or other factors. However, if there’s a sudden change or stagnation in growth, consult your vet.

    6. At what age will my Australian Shepherd’s coat fully develop?
    While they’ll have a fluffy puppy coat initially, the fuller double coat typically starts showing by 6 months and is well-established by 12-18 months.

    7. How much exercise does my Australian Shepherd puppy need?
    While they’re energetic, over-exercising during growth can harm developing joints. Offer multiple short play sessions daily, avoiding intense, high-impact activities until they’re older.

    8. Are there specific foods to promote healthy growth in Australian Shepherd puppies?
    Choose high-quality puppy foods, especially those formulated for active, large breeds. They should have appropriate calcium and phosphorus ratios to support bone growth.

    9. When is an Australian Shepherd puppy considered fully grown?
    By 18-24 months, Australian Shepherds typically reach their adult size, though they may continue filling out muscle-wise.

    10. Why does my puppy seem to grow unevenly, with legs looking longer some weeks?
    Puppies often experience growth spurts in different areas. It’s common for legs to shoot up before the body catches up.

    11. How can I ensure my puppy’s bones develop well?
    Feed them puppy food formulated for large breeds, ensuring controlled calcium levels. Also, avoid activities that strain their developing joints.

    12. At what age will my Australian Shepherd’s energy levels peak?
    While always active, Australian Shepherds often display peak energy between 6 months and 2 years. However, their activity levels remain high throughout their lives.

    13. Why does my Australian Shepherd puppy have a different coat color from both parents?
    Australian Shepherds possess diverse genetics related to coat colors. Puppies might display colors or patterns not immediately visible in their parents but present in their lineage.

    14. Do males and females grow at notably different rates?
    Both genders grow rapidly in the first year. However, males generally become larger than females, with this difference becoming more noticeable around 6 months.

    15. My Australian Shepherd seems to eat less/more than recommended. Is this normal?
    Appetites vary. It’s crucial to monitor your dog’s weight and adjust portions accordingly. If you notice drastic appetite changes, consult your vet.

    16. How can I tell if my puppy is overweight or underweight?
    Feel for their ribs. A thin fat layer should cover them, but they should be palpable. If unsure, a vet can provide guidance.

    17. How long do Australian Shepherds keep their puppy fur?
    The softer puppy fur begins transitioning to the coarser adult double coat around 4-6 months and is usually replaced by 12-18 months.

    18. How can I track my Australian Shepherd puppy’s growth?
    Regular vet visits provide weight and health checks. At home, periodic photos and noting weight and height changes help track growth.

    19. Why is my Australian Shepherd’s tail short, while some others have long tails?
    Some Australian Shepherds naturally have a bobtail, while others are docked for historical, working, or breed standard reasons. Not all will have short tails.

    20. When do Australian Shepherds mentally mature?
    While they may reach physical maturity by 18-24 months, mental maturity can take 2-3 years. Training and socialization are crucial during this developmental phase.

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