If you have a dog in your life, you already know about the benefits they brings each and every day—the smiles, the laughs, the cuddles, even the wiggles. But dogs also bring amazing health benefits that most people don’t realize. In 2023, the Mayo Clinic published a paper confirming that owning a dog can improve the health of dog parents. From improved cardiovascular health to a happier mental state, dogs continue to make our lives better.
Dogs May Be the Key to Happiness and Health
Dogs Inspire an Active Lifestyle
Staying active isn’t always easy, but having a dog standing there, giving you that look…you know the look, “Let’s go outside. It’s time for a walk. I need to sniff around and maybe make a wee.” From morning walks to playtime in the yard, they bring activity to your day without you even realizing it. Studies have shown that dog owners are more active than non-dog owners for this very reason. Think about it. You feed your lovable furball. You brush that beautiful coat – sometimes more than once a day. There are the multiple potty breaks and walks. The calories you burn doing these seemingly mundane activities start to add up.
If you have a highly active dog, there are runs, hikes and the countless hours of ball throwing. Have you ever asked yourself, “Will the dog quit before my arm does?” As dog lovers, we all know the answer. Get an ice pack. Your arm is doomed.
All of these activities bring health benefits by promoting lower blood pressure, improved circulation, improved blood sugar, and heart health. Studies have also shown that exercise, such as being active with your dog, is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as a healthier mental state, including improved mood, reduced anxiety, and lower depression.
Dogs Help You Stay Fit Without the Gym
A study began in 2014 called the Kardiozive Brno 2030 study, which examines the relationship between dog ownership and heart health. While the study won’t conclude until 2030, initial findings have shown that there is indeed a correlation between improved health and dog ownership.
Even if you live with a less active dog, they still need to be taken outside to do their business. Therefore, by taking your dogs on daily walks, you’re actually getting more exercise than you realize. Even if the walks are short, it’s better than just sitting around.
“Exercise improves heart health because it helps you maintain a healthy weight and controls blood sugar,” says one related Mayo Clinic paper.
Sure, going to the gym is likely the more intense option, but with your dog, you’re on a schedule. They need to be taken out at certain times each day, so there’s no getting out of that exercise. Plus, it’s a consistent exercise that you’re getting daily.
A recent paper released by the University of California, Davis, stated that 60% of dog owners get the recommended weekly amount of exercise, which is 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. The benefits of this type of activity include reduced risk of breast, prostate, lung, colon, and kidney cancers.
Dogs Bring People Together and Strengthen Bonds
Dogs are unlike any other animal when it comes to community. With a dog, you’re often out of the house. This doesn’t just give you exercise, but it also allows you to get some fresh air and maybe even talk to other people who are walking their dogs.
“Dog owners are really out there walking their dogs, and not only that, but there’s a community,” says Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum.
You won’t frequently see a community of cat or lizard lovers getting together outside to talk about their pets. With dogs, there are daily walks, dog parks, and events that can bring other dog parents together. Because of this, a dog can help you get up and meet new people instead of just sitting at home all day.
When you’re walking your dog, you’re also more likely to talk to other dog parents than you would if you were just walking alone. Dogs enjoy sniffing each other and meeting new people, so it’s difficult to avoid other people and dogs on your walk. Also, dog parents love to talk about their furry friends as much as they can.
Dogs Bring Joy—One Tail Wag at a Time
Whenever you come home, your dog is just waiting to greet you. It is a wonderful feeling to always have someone there to love you and be there for you. Not only can a dog improve your physical health, but emotionally, they will make you happier with an overall better mood. Having a dog by your side can also decrease your stress. Even after a long day at work, the love of a dog can certainly change your mood completely.
Whether you’re lying on the couch with your dog or enjoying a walk with your furry friend, your dog is just happy to be with you. Dogs bring out the best in us, which is why they can help our hearts so much—not just our physical hearts but our emotional hearts, as well. Most dog lovers probably already know what a difference their dogs make, but now it’s confirmed. Science says so!
A Healthier, A Happier Life—Thanks to Your Dog
Just when you thought you couldn’t love your dog more than you already do, you find out dogs help us live active lifestyles, which keep us in better shape and might even aid in our fight against heart disease. If that doesn’t make you smile, all you need to do is look at your pup and remember the unconditional love your dog feels for you. No matter how bad your day was, your dog will always be there. Ready to wag its tail, lick your face, and lay next to you. You mean everything to your dog. Your dog means everything to you. It turns out that your dog means a longer, healthier, and happier life for you.