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Pup Beaming With His Horsey Soulmate Portrays ‘Love In Its Purest Form’

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| July 31, 2023

Animals, both wild and domesticated, teach us how to love unconditionally. Interspecies friendships aren’t just about unconditional love– they focus on loving one another despite their differences.


In this trying world, we need to hold onto the good stuff to get us through. We turn to uplifting moments to warm our hearts and souls. Dogs are a go-to for these happy tales. Canines see purity, not dissimilarities. Take a look at the dog in the photo below with his equine soulmate. Can you see the love in his eyes? Can you see the elation in his smile?


Sure, lessons can be taught by humans. But looking at the world through an animal’s eyes is much more powerful! The love that pours out of this video, and its positive message, is exactly what we need to sustain us. It’s feel-good medicine that enriches our species as a whole. If humans could be this open-minded and accepting, the world would be a better place.

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