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How Much Omega-3 Should I Give My Dog? Fish Oil For Dogs

Omega-3 fatty acids play a crucial role in your dog’s overall health, supporting everything from skin and coat health to joint mobility and heart function. Since dogs cannot produce omega-3s on their own, they must obtain these essential nutrients through their diet. While some commercial dog foods contain small amounts, many pet parents turn to fish oil supplements to ensure their pup gets the right balance of EPA and DHA—two powerful omega-3s known for their anti-inflammatory and health-boosting properties. Finding … Read more

Traditional & Holistic Vets Agree: These 4 Tips Help Dogs Live Life To The Fullest

Whether you prefer a straight-laced veterinary clinician or a holistic vet with a focus on Chinese medicine, we all have one common goal when we consult a doggy doctor: More healthy years with our canine BFFs. Two very different vets agree on four things pawrents need to do in order to achieve that goal. Dr. Elizabeth Murphy, author of How to Age-Proof Your Dog, believes prevention is the key to longevity and that we are the “guardians of our pets’ health.” … Read more

What Is A Holistic Vet And Should You Schedule An Appointment?

holistic vet

As an advocate for your dog’s health and happiness, your decisions for her care will have a great impact on her life. You choose what to put in her bowl and how much she exercises, but even the best pup parent can’t do it all. It’s important to have a vet you can trust and rely on. You have a lot of options, and one of those options is to choose a holistic vet. While most veterinary offices fall under … Read more

How Gentle Stretches Can Help Your Dog Stay More Limber

Dogs suffer from stiff joints, soreness, and general bodily pain alongside the best of us. Unlike the human members of the family, however, their struggle usually goes unnoticed. The good news is, there’s an easy way you can help your dog ward off pain and feel younger and healthier. Stretching is great for both people and pets. People often underestimate the benefits, but making a daily effort to gently extend and exercise your dog’s muscles will do them a lot … Read more

Here’s Why Your Dog Pees The Bed…It’s Not What You Think

dog pees the bed
Cleaning up messes is an unavoidable part of pup parenting, but peeing the bed is something more often related to human children than fur babies. You can’t send your dog to bed with a pair of pull-ups, and waiting for them to grow out of it won’t work either. When a dog wets the bed, potty training is rarely the issue and can be linked to a potential infection or medical condition like Spinal Cord Disease or Diabetes. When They're ... Read more

What You Need To Know About Hip Dysplasia

Hip dyplasia is a serious skeletal condition affecting a high percentage of large breed dogs and occasionally small dogs. It’s diagnosed as a malformation of a dog’s hip joint that makes moving painful, and in extreme cases, walking normally is impossible. Owners of large dogs need to be aware of the risks and symptoms to provide their pets with the happiest and healthiest futures. Related: Best Hip Dysplasia Supplements for Dogs Like humans, dogs have what’s called a ball and … Read more

5 Natural Ways To Boost Your Dog’s Immune System

Your dog’s immune system is like a security guard, constantly patrolling the body for potentially harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, then eliminating them before they can do harm. In order to effectively do its job, the immune system needs healthy maintenance and an occasional boost. The following 5 methods may seem pretty simple, but when it comes to immunity, natural methods are best. 1. Feed a Healthy Diet Just about every time we cover a canine health topic, proper … Read more

A Guide To Cushing’s Disease In Dogs

Difficult to diagnose, Cushing’s disease is a condition affecting a dog’s endocrine system–the glands that produce and secrete hormones throughout the body. One of those hormones, cortisol, is responsible for stress management and balancing the immune system. Cortisol is essential for healthy body function, but too much or too little can cause problems. A dog dealing with increased levels of cortisol has hyperadrenocorticism—more commonly known as Cushing’s disease. Causes There are three types of Cushing’s disease in dogs. The most … Read more

5 Tips For Keeping Your Dog In Great Shape

Whether your dog is bubbling over with energy or prefers to snooze on the couch all day, staying in shape is an important part of their overall health. Obesity is as common in dogs as it is in humans, and extra pounds affect canine health in similarly negative ways. An active dog benefits from a faster metabolism, better muscle tone, a more regular digestive system, and less stress. Dogs love to hunt, chase, herd, and run, and it’s a dog owner’s job … Read more

What Is Paw Pad Hyperkeratosis And How To Heal It

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. Paw pad hyperkeratosis is a type of skin condition where a dog develops especially dry, crusty, and sensitive skin on the bottom of their paws. It’s also called “hairy dog feet” because it can look like the dog is sprouting an unusual type of hair on the bottoms of their paws. If this sounds like something your … Read more

Top 9 Pet Insurance Plans for Chihuahuas 2024

iHeartDogs is reader-supported. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you./font> Life grows more expensive by the day. Gas, groceries, utilities, it’s all getting to be too much. But what happens if one of your furry family members gets sick or hurt? Vet bills aren’t getting any cheaper either, and a major medical episode from Chihuahua health problems can really put you behind. Or even force you to … Read more

What Every Dog Parent Needs To Know About Vaccine Reactions

Vaccinations have saved countless lives – both human and animal. But as with all pharmaceutical products, they have their side effects. It’s important to understand the difference between normal post-vaccine symptoms and potentially life threatening reactions. “True” vaccine reactions are rare and the benefits of protecting against deadly diseases like Parvo and Rabies far outweigh the risks. Understanding the different health concerns associated with vaccines can help you initiate an important discussion with your veterinarian on your dog’s behalf. Together … Read more

5 Ways To Fight Fall Allergies In Dogs

Autumn’s falling leaves, moisture, and windy weather mean it’s time to deal with fall allergies. Your dog is just as susceptible to allergies as you are, and all that sniffing he’s bound to do puts him especially at risk. Sneezing, coughing, red eyes, and itchy skin are all possible side effects. Whether it’s the mold that grows under damp piles of leaves or decaying plant matter swept up by the wind, there’s a number of things your dog could be … Read more

Pros And Cons Of Different Types Of Dog Food

There are so many different ways to feed your dog. How do you know what’s best? There is no easy answer. The best thing to do is to check the pros and cons of each style of dog food and decide what works best for you and your pooch. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each. This is only an introduction; you should always do your research and talk to your vet before changing your dog’s diet. Canned Dog … Read more

The 4 Most Common Causes For Ear Infections In Dogs

Have you ever wondered why some dogs seem to be prone to ear infections? Ear infections are a common affliction among our beloved canine companions, causing discomfort and concern for both pets and their owners alike. While these infections can stem from various sources, understanding the primary reasons behind their development is crucial for prevention and effective treatment. In this article, we explore the four main factors contributing to ear infections in dogs, shedding light on the importance of proactive … Read more

4 Common Ingredients In Dog Treats To Watch Out For

common ingredients in dog treats

You love making your dog happy with something as simple as a yummy treat. Sure, she’ll gulp down almost anything that’s edible (and a few things that aren’t), but you want your dog’s treats to be nutritious as well as delicious. Unfortunately, many brands of dog treats include ingredients that aren’t good for your dog’s health. Some ingredients offer zero nutritional value, and others have potentially harmful side effects. Here’s a list of common ingredients in dog treats you want … Read more

This Food Makes Your Dog Feel Like a Puppy Again

When it comes to dog food, we all want to make sure we are feeding our dogs all the goodness they need without any harmful ingredients or additives. I am one of those dog moms. That’s why I jumped at the opportunity to try Dr. Jeff’s Optimum freeze-dried dog food and Daily Canine Care supplement. My dog was so excited after eating this food that she celebrated with some zoomies! Meet Townes, the Lucky Taste Tester I adopted my female … Read more

8 Items That Will Help Make Your Dog Feel More At Home

Sharing your life with your dog starts at home, usually with a bed and a bowl. Even before we bring home our pup, we make sure we have everything he needs to be happy. Leashes, treats, etc. Once you have the basics, though, what else can you do to make sure your dog feels like your house is truly his home? You don’t have to break the bank to spoil your dog and make him feel like he belongs. He … Read more

5 Reasons Your Dog Won’t Eat And How To Help

dog won't eat

When it comes to the canine appetite, most people are used to dogs gobbling everything in sight. They rush to eat their meals and taste test things you’d never dream of putting near your mouth. But on the opposite side of that spectrum, it’s not uncommon for dogs to be picky eaters or suddenly stop eating altogether. These are the dogs that barely nibble on their kibble and turn their wet noses up at everything in their dishes. Not eating … Read more

How To Help Your Senior Dog Find Relief From A Dry Nose

Your dog’s slobbery kisses aren’t the same without that cold, wet nose pressing up against your face. And if your senior dog’s nose is dry or cracked, you have more than the quality of their kisses to be concerned about. As one of a dog’s most important features, the health of their nose is always important. A dry nose is irritating and in the worst cases, it’s even painful. It’s sometimes a symptom of serious illness, but most of the … Read more

5 Signs You’re Dealing With A Flea Infestation

dog has fleas

There’s only one “f” word that strikes fear into the hearts of all dog people: FLEAS. These blood-feasting insects are so tiny you can barely see them, but they wreak havoc on your home. If your dog has fleas, the bugs won’t stay on their unwilling host for long. It always starts with one, but soon enough, there are fleas in your carpet, couch, blankets, and even your bed. A flea infestation takes over your entire house, and your dog … Read more

If Your Dog Is Lethargic, It’s Time To Figure Out Why

You know your dog better than anyone, but that doesn’t make it easy to know when she’s not feeling well. She can’t come out and tell you she’s ill, and that leaves you to worry and wonder when something seems “off.” Decreased activity is one of the most common symptoms of canine illness. Commonality, however, doesn’t make it easy to identify or interpret. If your dog is lethargic, there’s always a reason. The trick is knowing what that reason is. … Read more

Mysterious Dog Disease is Rapidly Spreading Through Virginia

Veterinary clinics in Virginia are warning pet owners of a mysterious new threat to their furry family members. In the past month, more than 150 dogs in the Charlottesville area have received veterinary attention for a type of respiratory condition similar to whooping cough. The disease is highly contagious, and local vets are officially calling the issue an “epidemic.” Autumn Tails Veterinary Center in Charlottesville, VA is one of many veterinary clinics that has seen a huge intake of dogs … Read more

5 Reasons Hemp Oil For Dogs Is Exploding In Popularity

It’s a dog owner’s priority to safeguard the well-being of their pets, and a new player in the world of veterinary science is opening all-natural doors of opportunity. Hemp oil from hemp is the medicinal herb dog owners are talking about. The benefits of Hemp oil are reaching more dogs every day. Here are a few reasons why dog owners are choosing it for their pets. Related: 10 Best Dog Doors 1. It’s Nontoxic and Not Psychoactive The first concern … Read more

Why It’s Important To Let Your Dog Sniff During Walks

Getting your dog out the door for daily exercise will always be a step in the right direction when it comes to their health and happiness.  There is a way, however, for your dog to get even more enrichment from their regular walk around the block. While you’re busy looking at the scenery, your dog’s nose is working overtime. They walk a few feet before stopping to sniff, and then they take a few more steps to find something else … Read more

If Your Dog Is Under Stress, Consider Adding A Probiotic To Their Diet

With a dog bed in every room and no job or obligations to worry over, it’s hard not to be jealous of your dog’s care-free lifestyle. Their lack of responsibility seems blissful, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to stress. Dogs get stressed out just like humans do, and like us, high stress levels can seriously affect their health and well-being. Counting to 10 and meditating won’t work for a stressed-out dog, but adding probiotics to your dog’s diet is … Read more

Is Your Dog a “Weekend Warrior”? Make Sure You’re Taking Care Of His Joints In These 5 Ways

You wish you could spend every day playing fetch and hiking with your dog, but weekday obligations get in the way. Between work, family, and everything else life throws at you, finding time to exercise your dog can seem impossible. While you’re at work Monday through Friday, your dog is lounging around the house. You both live for the weekends when it’s finally time to have some fun. If this sounds like you, your pup is a weekend warrior. You … Read more

The Top 6 Ways To Give Your Pup The Probiotics He Needs

Approximately 70% of a dog’s immune cells reside in the gut, so it is extremely important to their overall wellness that digestive health is maintained. For this reason, veterinarians often recommend probiotics for their canine patients in addition to a healthy diet. Related: 12 Best Probiotics for Dogs (+1 to Avoid) Probiotics balance the “good” and “bad” bacteria in the gut in order to protect the dog’s natural defenses, promote digestive heath, and keep the body working to its full potential. … Read more

10 Times Probiotics Are Especially Beneficial To Your Dog

Up to 80% of a dog’s immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract, so maintaining digestive health means far more than just preventing upset bellies and loose stools. Related: iHeartDogs Rates the Best Probiotics for Dogs Probiotics replenish the levels of healthy bacterial flora in the GI tract and prevent the “bad” bacteria from taking over. Dogs with unbalanced flora levels experience digestive problems and are more susceptible to illness. In general, probiotics are a healthy addition to your … Read more

9 Best Essential Oils For Your Dog

In an effort to help your furry best friend live a more natural and healthy life, you may have considered essential oils for your dog. But when it comes to these potent plant oils, with so many out there, choosing safe essential oils for dogs can get a bit tricky. There’s a lot of information out there about the risks and benefits of using essential oils with pets, and everything revolves around one very important concept. It’s the understanding that … Read more

How To Help Your Rescue Dog Gain Weight

“Skin and bones” are words to describe a specific population of rescue dog. They’re the ones found staggering near death on the side of the street or rummaging through the dumpster looking for scraps of anything remotely edible. They’ve known what true hunger feels like, and recovering from near starvation isn’t an easy process. Helping a rescue dog gain weight isn’t tossing them a few McDonald’s burgers and letting them go to town. It isn’t even leaving a limitless supply … Read more

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