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Is It Safe To Microchip Your Dog?

There are countless stories of lost dogs reuniting with their owners thanks to their microchips. These devices are small, inexpensive, and easy to implant. If your pup came from a shelter or rescue organization, chances are he or she already has one. So why aren’t all pets required to have microchips as they are in the UK and some US cities? Is microchipping really necessary? And if so, is it safe to microchip your dog? What are pet microchips? The … Read more

A Dog Wandered Into Walmart. He’d Been Missing 6 Years.

Yes, a dog wandering into a Walmart and hanging out by the carts is amusing on its own. But it turns out that little shopping trip would also become a miracle. It happened just a few weeks ago in Oklahoma. When Walmart employees noticed the dog, the store’s manager Sandy snapped a picture of him in a shopping cart. She then shared the photo of the sweet dog on Facebook, hoping his family would see and come get him. The post … Read more

Formerly Missing Dog Rescued From Hoarding Situation Reunites With Person

At the end of January, authorities seized nearly 200 animals from a home in Montgomery County, Texas. They called it some of the worst conditions they’d ever seen. Among those rescues was a fluffy white dog named Wrangler. Before this major rescue, Wrangler ‘s true person believed him missing. USAF Airman First Class Ryland Brown went away to San Antonio for military training in 2017 when Wrangler was just 6 months old. While he was gone, his ex gave the dog … Read more

Oklahoma Woman Reunited With Dog She Hasn’t Seen In 10 Years

Yet again, here a microchip comes to save the day! A senior Boxer admitted as a stray to OKC Animal Welfare this week had her microchip scanned with help from the company that made it. According to the scan, there hadn’t been any information updates to it in a decade, so staff assumed they wouldn’t be able to get in contact with the person registered to it. They gave it a shot nonetheless. When they did get in contact with Crystal Fentress, … Read more

Missing Husky Turns Up One Year Later & Four States Away

On Christmas Day, Jamie Bergman’s boyfriend let their dog, Aspen out in their fenced Kansas City, Missouri yard. When he called her back inside, Aspen wasn’t alone. The Husky was accompanied by another blue-eyed pup the couple had never seen before. A microchip check at the local vet revealed that their mystery guest had a name (Koda) and a family who had been missing him for nearly a year. Most shocking of all, Koda was almost a thousand miles and … Read more

New City Law Makes Microchipping Mandatory & Puts Limits On Breeding

Pet parents in Dallas, Texas are about to see a change in what’s considered to be responsible pet ownership. The Dallas City Council voted on Wednesday to pass a law ordering mandatory microchips for dogs and cats and limited breeding. A department of Dallas Animal Services will enforce the new laws to ensure that pet owners comply. The change is brought on in hopes of reducing the number of stray animals roaming city streets and to relieve pressure from overfilled shelters. Neighborhood … Read more