Shelter Dog Meal Donation Count:

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Puppy Found Roadside With Broken Back Finds Help from Unexpected Friend

The world often presents stories of cruelty that are hard to understand, especially when those suffering are the ones who can least defend themselves. One such victim was General, a dog found abandoned and in dire need of help. A kind-hearted passerby discovered him lying on the street, unable to move his back legs. This person did what they could by giving General food and water and then urgently calling for additional help. “The heartless acts of some people continue … Read more

Brave Mom Dog Asks for Help to Save Her Puppies from the Freezing Weather

Animals do the most amazing things, especially dogs, reminding us of all the good in the world. Today, I’ll share the heartwarming story of a mother dog who sought human help to ensure her puppies survived the cold. With temperatures dropping and her litter in danger, this brave and resourceful mom approached people, her eyes pleading for assistance. Moved by her determination and love for her puppies, they quickly responded, providing the warmth and care the tiny pups needed. This … Read more

Puppy Grows Up Healthy After Starting Life in an Incubator

In Houston, Texas, Kathryn Mongrain, an experienced vet tech, founded “The Bottle Brigade” to help animals with special needs. This organization provides medically fragile animals a chance to survive when they might otherwise be euthanized. One of the animals Kathryn helped was Hammy, a tiny puppy with a cleft palate from Tiny Paws Rescue. Hammy required special care from the very beginning. Due to his difficulty breathing and extreme weakness, Kathryn had to keep him in an incubator initially. Through … Read more

Woman Slams On The Brakes When She Notices Two Puppies Running Near A Box

Sometimes, a simple act of kindness can lead to profound happiness. This was precisely what happened to a woman who was on a routine trip to buy cookies when she stumbled upon an unexpected sight. As she drove, she noticed a box abandoned by the side of the road. Curiosity and concern prompted her to stop her car and investigate. Upon approaching the box, she discovered two small, helpless puppies inside. Realizing the urgency of their situation, she acted quickly, … Read more

Puppy Left by Roadside Finds Hope with New Rescuers

Sometimes we wish we could save every lonely or scared animal we see. In real life, we can only try our best. One day, a small effort made a big difference for a puppy left alone next to a busy street. His life began in a sad way, but soon, a woman named Cathleen gave him a chance for a new start. Rescue and First Steps Cathleen was driving by when she saw the puppy. She stopped her car right … Read more

Hungry Puppy Left in Bathroom, Found Alone and Helpless

In Fort Wayne, a small puppy with a big heart is teaching everyone about courage and kindness. This is his story of starting from a tough spot and finding hope. A Sad Start The puppy’s journey began sadly when he was found alone in a portable toilet by a city worker. He was very skinny, with his bones showing, and his paws were stained from not being able to walk around much. He was scared and needed a lot of … Read more

Poor Blind Dog Abandoned Near Roadside Is Not Expecting What Love Feels Like

Many dogs dream of nothing more than being loved endlessly by their owners. They show their happiness by wagging their tails and looking joyful whenever they see us. Unfortunately, some dogs are not kept safe and loved as they should be. Instead, they are abandoned and starving. This is the story of a blind puppy named Teasel, who was heartbreakingly left alone next to a busy road by her owners. Sad Reality Teasel was found curled up and scared on … Read more