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Therapy Dog Hoards Christmas Toys For Himself

By: Molly Weinfurter
Molly Weinfurter is a writer for iHeartDogs, and she’s passionate about helping animals in need. She volunteers for Bailing Out Benji and a local dog rescue.Read more
| December 19, 2019

An adorable therapy dog named Ben Franklin knows what Christmas is all about. At least, he thinks it’s all about the toys. 

The Franklin Police Department was collecting toy donations to be shipped off to the Santa Foundation. However, they never expected that one of their employees would be eager to keep those toys for himself.

Ben the Golden Retriever has been with the police department ever since he was a young puppy. He joined the team as a therapy dog to comfort people with stress and trauma. He is often brought to senior centers, schools, and community events. 

Image: Franklin Police Department Facebook

Of course, everyone is always happy to see him, and many people in the area know him. The police department even shares adorable photos of him on their social media. 

However, no one would have guessed that such a loving dog had a secret of his own. It took the police a while to notice that Ben had slowly been taking a stash of donated toys for himself.

Image: Franklin Police Department Facebook

Caught in the Act

Ben was in the middle of carrying a baby doll when he was finally spotted. An officer saw him carrying the doll’s cradle by the handle. As soon as Ben noticed this witness, he quickly trotted away. But luckily, the officer caught the entire event on camera. 

Image: Screenshot, Franklin Police Department

As Ben ran off, more people became curious about where he was going with the doll. When another officer approached him, he quickly turned the other way. He refused to admit that he’d been caught. He even cautiously looked back at one point to make sure no one was trying to take his new toy.

At the end of the video, Ben headed straight for his hiding spot, which was underneath one of the desks. The police discovered that this was not the first toy he had stolen. As it turns out, he had a whole stash hiding under that desk. Ben wasn’t quite as sneaky as he’d thought.

“You are priceless,” one officer said in the video. “He’s gonna stockpile them toys over there. He keeps bringing them in here.”

Image: Screenshot, Franklin Police Department

The officers had a good laugh that day. They also  learned a valuable lesson. They realized that they needed to close the classroom door or keep the toys elevated from now on. It looks like poor Ben’s days of stealing toys are over!

The Franklin Police Department shared Ben’s video on social media, and it’s been a hit so far. Who would’ve suspected that a dog who helps people for a living could be so sneaky?


Featured Image: Franklin Police Department Facebook

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