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The 6 Best White Noise Machines For Dogs

Written by: Kelli Brinegar
For more than five years, Kelli Brinegar has been using her ability to write and her passion for research to tell the tale of what cats are thinking and why. She has provided care to more than 30 cats in her lifetime.Read more
| Published on July 26, 2023
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The best white noise machines for dogs are designed to produce a range of soothing, consistent sounds that can help calm a dog’s anxiety, aid in sleep, and provide a sense of comfort and security. Much like white noise machines used by humans, these devices for dogs can play various types of noise, including, but not limited to, fan sounds, nature sounds, and white, pink, or brown noise.

These machines can be particularly beneficial for dogs dealing with separation anxiety, noise phobias, or difficulty sleeping. The consistent, gentle sound can mask sudden, startling noises such as thunder, fireworks, or loud neighborhood sounds that can cause stress and anxiety in dogs. They can also create a comforting routine and environment, promoting a sense of security that can make dogs feel more at ease when they’re alone.

white noise machine for dogs

However, because dogs have sensitive hearing, it’s important to ensure the machine allows adjustable volume and offers high-quality sound. For best results, introduce the machine gradually and observe your dog’s reaction to ensure the sounds are soothing and not causing any distress. And to help you choose the best noise machine for dogs, we’ve included other factors to consider when buying a machine, as well as answers to your questions. So, bottom line, our guide will help shuck your anxiety about choosing the best white noise machines for dogs.

What are the Benefits of Sound Therapy for Dogs?

Sound therapy can be very beneficial for dogs. It involves the use of certain types of sound, such as white noise or calming music, to soothe and comfort dogs, particularly those who are anxious, restless, or noise-sensitive. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Reduces Anxiety: Sound therapy can help to soothe dogs suffering from separation anxiety or generalized anxiety by providing consistent and comforting background noise.
  • Helps with Sleep: The soothing sounds can help dogs to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep longer, especially those who have trouble sleeping due to anxiety or disturbances in their environment.
  • Masks Disturbing Noises: Sound therapy can help to mask noises that may upset dogs, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, or loud city sounds, making them less noticeable and less likely to cause stress.
  • Creates a Calming Environment: Consistent background noise can create a comforting environment and routine, which can help dogs feel more secure and relaxed, even when they’re alone.

Remember, while sound therapy can be highly beneficial for many dogs, it’s important to monitor your dog’s reactions to ensure they’re comfortable with the sounds being used. Each dog is unique, and what works for one might not work for all.

Buyer’s Guide: What to Consider When Choosing

Choosing the right white noise machine for your dog can help soothe them and reduce their anxiety levels. Here are some factors you should consider:

Sound Options

Some dogs might prefer certain sounds over others. Look for a machine that offers a range of different white noise options, including nature sounds, fan noises, and standard white noise.

Volume Control

Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, so it’s essential to get a machine that allows for precise volume control. Too loud could be uncomfortable or even harmful, and too quiet might not have the desired effect.

Quality of Sound

A machine that provides high-quality, non-looping sound is ideal. Poor quality sound, or a sound that has a noticeable loop, can be more irritating than soothing.


Dogs, especially puppies, might be curious about the new device and try to chew on it if left in their reach. Ensure the machine is sturdy enough to withstand some rough handling.

Auto-Off Timer

A timer function can be helpful if you want the machine to turn off after a certain amount of time. This is especially useful if you want to use the white noise to help your dog fall asleep but don’t want it playing throughout the night.


If you plan to travel with your dog or move the machine between rooms, a portable design that’s lightweight and easy to carry might be beneficial.

Energy Efficiency

If the machine will be running for many hours each day, consider the energy usage. Some models may be more energy-efficient than others.

Ease of Use

Look for a machine that’s straightforward to operate, with intuitive controls and simple instructions.

Reviews and Recommendations

It’s always a good idea to read reviews from other dog parents to see what machines they have found effective. Your veterinarian may also have some recommendations.

Remember, every dog is unique. What works best for one might not work as well for another. It might take some trial and error to find the perfect machine for your furry friend.

The 6 Best White Noise Machines for Dogs

#1 – Yogasleep Dohm UNO White Noise Machine with Real Fan Inside

Yogasleep Dohm UNO White Noise Machine with Real Fan Inside
  • Real fan inside for natural white noise
  • Adjustable volume control
  • Single-speed option
  • Powered by a 6-foot 120V AC plug
  • Available in 3 colors

The Yogasleep Dohm UNO White Noise Machine is a godsend for pet parents who need to provide their dogs with a calming environment. With a real fan inside, it produces a natural and soothing white noise that many dogs respond well to, aiding in better sleep and reduced anxiety. It has an adjustable volume control, allowing users to customize the sound level to their dog’s comfort. The simplicity of its single-speed option provides ease of use.


  • Natural, soothing sound from a real fan
  • Adjustable volume to suit your dog’s comfort
  • Compact & portable design
  • Simple to use
  • Assembled in the USA


  • Limited to a single speed, which may not offer enough sound variety for some
  • No timer function or automatic shut-off feature

#2 – LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine
  • 20 unique sounds (10 fan sounds, 10 ambient noise variations)
  • Precise volume control
  • High-quality, non-looping sounds
  • Powered by AC or USB
  • Compact & portable

The LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine stands out as a versatile and customizable sound solution for dogs. Its offering of 20 unique digital sounds, including ten fan sounds and ten ambient noise variations, caters to a wide range of canine comfort needs. This machine’s precise volume control allows for a more tailored sound environment, helping reduce anxiety and promote better sleep in dogs. The non-looping, high-quality sounds keep dogs at ease without the repetition found in some other devices.


  • Wide variety of sounds to suit different needs
  • Precise volume control for tailored sound environment
  • High-quality, non-repetitive sounds


  • Synthetic sounds, as there’s no real fan inside
  • No nature sounds, if your dog prefers those over fan or white noise sounds

#3 – Homedics SoundSleep White Noise Sound Machine

Homedics SoundSleep White Noise Sound Machine
  • Six digitally recorded sounds
  • Auto-off timer with three settings
  • Compact & portable
  • Adjustable volume
  • Available in 3 colors

The Homedics SoundSpa White Noise Sound Machine provides a tranquil auditory environment that can help soothe even the most anxious dogs. With a selection of six digitally recorded, calming sounds, including White Noise, Thunder, Ocean, Rain, Summer Night, and Brook, it accommodates diverse canine preferences. The auto-off timer, with three options for 15, 30, or 60 minutes, adds convenience, especially for overnight use or during short periods. This machine’s compact size enhances portability, making it a great travel companion.


  • Variety of calming sounds, including white noise
  • Convenient auto-off timer feature
  • Good for travel due to compact size


  • Less precise volume control
  • Limited number of sounds compared to some other machines

#4 – Magicteam Sound Machine White Noise Machine

Magicteam Sound Machine White Noise Machine
  • 20 non-looping nature & white noise sounds
  • 32 volume levels
  • Timer & Memory function
  • Powered by AC or USB
  • High-fidelity sound

The Magicteam Sound Machine White Noise Machine is a versatile choice that can meet the specific sound preferences of many dogs. With 20 non-looping, high-fidelity nature and white noise sounds, it provides comforting background noise to soothe anxious pets or aid restful sleep. The ability to set the machine to run continuously or use the convenient timer function provides additional flexibility for various use cases. The compact design and memory function, which recalls your last settings, enhance user-friendliness.


  • Wide array of high-quality sounds
  • Convenient timer and memory function
  • Compact and user-friendly


  • No real fan, only digital sounds
  • May not be as durable as some other models
  • Sound richness might not compare to machines with a real fan

#5 – Dreamegg White Noise Machine – Portable Sound Machine

Dreamegg White Noise Machine - Portable Sound Machine
  • 21 high fidelity sounds
  • Includes white noise, fan, & nature sounds
  • Rechargeable battery power
  • Adjustable volume
  • Compact & portable design for travel
  • Available in 5 colors

The Dreamegg White Noise Machine – Portable Sound Machine is an effective choice for creating a peaceful auditory environment for dogs no matter where you are. With a wide variety of twenty-one high-fidelity sounds, including white noise, fan sounds, and nature sounds, it caters to diverse preferences and can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality in pets. It comes with a useful auto-off timer and adjustable volume to fit different scenarios. The compact and portable design is ideal for both home use and travel.


  • Wide variety of high-quality sounds
  • Convenient auto-off timer
  • Portable design suitable for travel
  • Comes with a convenient loop for hanging


  • Does not contain a real fan, only digital sounds
  • Some users may find the sound quality less natural

#6 – Housbay White Noise Machine with 31 Soothing Sounds

Housbay White Noise Machine with 31 Soothing Sounds
  • 31 non-looping soothing sounds for ultimate variety
  • 7 white noises, 7 fan sounds & 17 nature sounds
  • Sleep timer & USB charging port
  • 15 adjustable volume levels
  • Available in 3 colors

The Housbay White Noise Machine stands out with an impressive offering with 31 soothing sounds designed to cater to various canine needs. From white noise and fan sounds to an array of nature sounds, it provides a relaxing soundscape that can help dogs reduce stress and improve sleep. It features a sleep timer and a convenient USB port for easy charging. The volume adjustment allows for precise sound control to fit your dog’s comfort level.


  • Extensive variety of soothing sounds
  • Sleep timer for convenience
  • Woodgrain design blends in with home décor
  • USB charging port for easy power options


  • No real fan, only digital sounds
  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive than other models

white noise machine for dogs

FAQs About White Noise Machines for Dogs

What is white noise?

White noise is a type of sound that combines all different frequencies together. The term “white” is used similarly to how it functions with white light, where all colors (frequencies) of light are present at once. This results in a consistent, static sound, much like a TV or radio with no signal. White noise is often used for blocking out distracting sounds and promoting relaxation or sleep, as it provides a constant ambient sound that can help to mask sudden or jarring noises.

What sounds are best for calming dogs?

Just as with humans, the type of sound that is most calming for dogs can vary based on individual preferences. However, many dogs seem to find certain types of nature sounds (like rainfall or gentle waves), classical music, or rhythmic noises (like the sound of a heartbeat) calming. White noise or other noise colors, such as pink or brown noise, can also be very soothing. It can take some experimentation to find what works best for your dog.

Do dogs sleep well with white noise?

Many dogs sleep better with white noise, as it can help to block out sudden or unexpected sounds that might otherwise wake them up. The constant, predictable sound of white noise can be very calming for dogs and can help them to feel more secure, encouraging deeper, more restful sleep.

Can a white noise machine help my dog sleep better?

Yes, a white noise machine can often help a dog sleep better. The steady, soothing noise can help to block out disruptive sounds and provide a calming environment that encourages sleep. Additionally, having the white noise on can become a part of a sleep routine, signaling to your dog that it’s bedtime.

Does white noise help dogs stop barking?

White noise can potentially help to reduce barking in dogs. If a dog is barking in response to certain sounds, like passing cars or pedestrians outside, a white noise machine can help mask these sounds. However, if the barking is due to reasons other than noise sensitivity, such as boredom or anxiety, other interventions may also be necessary.

Can the volume of a white noise machine hurt my dog’s ears?

Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, so be mindful of the volume when using a white noise machine. If the sound is too loud, it could potentially harm a dog’s ears or cause distress. It’s recommended to start with a lower volume and gradually adjust to find a level that is soothing but not too loud.

How long should I leave a white noise machine on for my dog?

The length of time to leave a white noise machine on can vary depending on why you’re using it. If it’s being used to help your dog sleep, you might want to leave it on all night. If it’s being used to provide comfort when you’re not home, you might leave it on only while you’re away. Pay attention to your dog’s behavior to help guide this decision.

How can I introduce my dog to a white noise machine?

Introducing a white noise machine should be done gradually. Start with a low volume and short duration, and gradually increase both as your dog becomes accustomed to the sound. Be sure to monitor your dog’s reactions and adjust accordingly. Positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, can also help your dog associate the white noise machine with positive experiences.

Where should I place a white noise machine for my dog?

Placement of a white noise machine can depend on where your dog spends most of their time. You might place it in their favorite sleeping area or where they typically go when they’re anxious or scared. It should be in a spot where the sound can fill the room but not so close to your dog that it’s too loud.

How loud should a white noise machine be for a dog?

The machine should be loud enough to mask potentially upsetting noises but not so loud as to be uncomfortable or harmful to your dog. Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, so what might seem a reasonable volume to us could be too loud for them. Start at a lower volume and adjust gradually, observing your dog’s reactions.

Can white noise machines help dogs with fireworks or thunderstorm anxiety?

Yes, white noise machines can be very beneficial for dogs with noise phobias like those triggered by fireworks or thunderstorms. The consistent sound of the white noise can help to mask the startling, unpredictable noises of a storm or fireworks, potentially reducing a dog’s anxiety.

Can white noise machines help dogs with separation anxiety?

White noise machines can be a useful tool in managing separation anxiety in dogs. The machine can provide a consistent, soothing sound that helps to create a calming environment. It can also become a part of the routine when you leave, providing a comforting familiarity for your dog. However, separation anxiety can be a complex issue and might also require additional interventions, like behavior modification or, in some cases, medication.

Final Words

In conclusion, choosing the best white noise machine for your dog can significantly enhance their sense of comfort, reduce anxiety, and promote better sleep. It’s an investment in your dog’s mental and emotional well-being that can transform their daily life. Remember to consider their unique preferences, your lifestyle, and the features of the machine to find the perfect match that helps your furry friend lead a more calm, peaceful life.

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