Emily and Garrett were quite surprised one afternoon when they walked to their truck and swung the front door open. A Pit Bull seemingly came out of nowhere and jumped inside. The Pittie, later named Buddy, then refused to leave!

Buddy went from the front seat to the back and laid down. The couple tried coaxing him out so he would return home, but nothing worked. Not even roast beef! Buddy refused to eat but did drink plenty of water. No matter what the couple tried to get Buddy to leave, Buddy wouldn’t budge. And this went on for hours!

At this point, the couple realized the air conditioning from the truck and the water were what prompted him to stay. He was both dehydrated and overheated. They placed a wet blanket on the pooch to cool him down faster. They couldn’t fathom leaving the pup outside, so they brought him into their home.

The couple did some digging and figured out Buddy was a stray. What they do next is absolutely perfect! Check out the full story below, and remember, strays need our help. Call your local shelter or rescue groups if you see an animal on the streets. Homeless animals never deserve to suffer!