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Big-Eared Dog Is So Tiny, His Mom Made Him An Outfit Out Of A Sock

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| May 5, 2023

Dobby’s mom, Brittnie, wasn’t entirely sure if he was a dog! He was so tiny and afraid, with giant ears that made him look like a little creature. The shelter rescued him when they found him shaking on the side of the road. Brittnie met Dobby while taking “a load of dogs” to the vet. She knew immediately that she had to be his foster.


The little one was frightened and uncomfortable, so Brittnie took her sweatshirt and turned it around. He loved being all snug inside her hoodie. Once home, Brittnie cut a sock so Dobby could fit inside. He laid on the couch, petrified to move. But then, thankfully, everything changed.


Brittnie says in the video, “Once he realized this was a safe place, he then just decided to trust us at one moment.” Dobby was grateful for his little sock outfit and wore it proudly. Brittnie put his adorable face and story on her social media page, hoping to find him a forever home. That’s when the strangest thing happened!


Brittnie’s friend, Brooke, saw Dobby’s post and called her immediately. She said that Dobby looked familiar. It was as if she was meant to be in Dobby’s life all along. What happens next is simply precious! Check Dobby’s story out below!

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