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She Saved Hippo And The Pup Made It His Mission To Save Her Right Back

Written by: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| Published on December 14, 2022

Dogs like Hippo sit in shelters and are rarely given a second chance. It’s a sad story but thankfully, for this Pit Bull, his tale turned out to have a happy ending.

When Hippo found a foster home with Kelsey, she thought she was saving him. Little did she know that this dog was about to save her right back!

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Hippo came to live with Kelsey and her partner as a foster. Hippo developed a close bond with her partner right away. He’d follow him everywhere he went. As Hippo adjusted to his new foster home, he learned all about the new things he had been missing. His firsts included a bath, wearing pajamas, and learning how to swim. Oh, and his favorite, discovering what ice cream tastes like!

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The Pit Bull had some medical issues when he came to live with Kelsey, but as soon as he felt better, his new foster parents witnessed his true personality. He’s quite vocal and very inquisitive. Kelsey also explains that she “realized how truly weird he is.”

Screenshot via YouTube

Two months after Hippo came to live with Kelsey, tragedy struck. She and her partner that had been together for five years, broke up. Kelsey was understandably devastated. Kelsey says that “heartbreak is all consuming.” The foster mom emotionally fell apart but thankfully her doggy sidekick was with her every step of the way. She may have saved Hippo but the precious pup made it his mission to save her right back.

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