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It’s Official: The Best Way To Wake A Sleepy Dog Is With Peanut Butter!

Because of their excellent sense of hearing, most dogs are woken up by sounds. Sometimes even the slightest sound can alert them. But the best way to wake a dog up is through food! Even the smell of food can wake them up. This dog woke up because he felt something brush up his nose.

It’s a lazy afternoon and this Pit Bull is napping on the couch. He is sleeping ever so soundly until his human decided to wake him up with a dab of peanut butter. The human approached the dog quietly, then quickly brushed some peanut butter on the dog’s nose. In just a split second, the dog is awake! He instantly licks the peanut butter off his nose. So cute!

I really don’t want to disturb a napping dog, but hey, if they’re waking up to something as good as this, then why not? I’m sure the dog loved it too!

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