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Baby Boy Falls For The Dog That’s Been His Shadow Since Birth

By: Julie Hunt
Julie Hunt is an avid dog lover and writer for, and has a background as a veterinary technician. She rescued a beautiful former bait dog named Rory.Read more
| March 8, 2023

A family’s rescue dog named Storm, became infatuated with her baby brother the moment he came home from the hospital. One sniff of Miles’ baby skin, and she was a goner! From his first feedings to his first steps, the loving Pit Bull has been glued to his side– and it’s too pure for this world!


While many dogs love babies, there’s something special about each story. Especially when it’s recorded to video, and we get to witness it for ourselves! Miles reciprocates his pup’s love as often as possible. He kisses and hugs her, so she knows he’s grateful for her too!


Miles, with his beautiful curly hair, even walks his Pittie on a leash (while being carefully supervised). He helps with Storm’s baths too! The two are inseparable– like real siblings. As each day passes, they only grow closer together. Their relationship benefits them both. Miles will grow up to be more compassionate toward animals, and that’s a big deal! Are you ready for some serious sweetness? Scroll on down!

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