Losing a pet is one of the hardest things we have to endure in our lives. They just do not live long enough. When we do have to say goodbye, many of us want a want a way to keep them alive in our heart and minds. Here are 12 ways to remember your best friend long after he is gone.
#1 – Plant a Tree
Have a dog who loved trees? When her dog Ollie passed away, Gina LaGuardia planted a tree in his name via the Arbor Day Foundation. “It made us feel like we were commemorating him with something he loved,” LaGuardia says.

#2 – ID Tag Keychain
Alyson Lex’s dog passed away in 2007 and she wanted a way to keep her dog with her always. So, she turned her ID tags into her keychain. “I can see them every single day,” she explains. “It’s a simple way to remember her that still brings me comfort.”

#3 – Sponsorship
Sarah Miller sponsored a cat room at the Auburn Valley Humane Society in Auburn, Washington in memory of her lost kitty. There is a plaque in the room with her cat’s photo along with a tagline she got to choose. Sponsoring a dog room or a play area at your local shelter is a great way to immortalize your beloved dog.

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#4 – Coffee Table Scrapbook
Luz Donahue takes your stories, photos, sketches, etc., of your pet and turns them into a coffee table book so you can cherish your pet’s memory forever. She also creates portraits from your images in your choice of medium.

#5 – Ornament
For many, the Christmas tree is more than a decoration—it’s a memory of events, people, places and things, all symbolized by the beautiful ornaments that hang on each bough. Chris Herath, owner of Atlantic Pet Sitting, creates ornaments for people who have lost a pet. “It’s always great to remember the good times with your pet when your family is setting up the Christmas tree,” Herath says. This is a simple way to do that.

#6 – Personalized Jewelry
Kennebug makes personalized, hand stamped jewelry that serve as a great remembrance of your lost dog. Your dog’s name can be added to any of their designs, including a bangle bracelet, key chain and beaded bracelet.

#7 – Custom Pillow
UPPERCASES will make you a pillow you can snuggle nightly with your dog’s name and photo on it. “The pup featured [on] the pillowcase photo on our website is my own dog Artie, who died a few years ago and was the inspiration for this design, which I printed to comfort my daughter,” says Ursula Roberston-Moore of UPPERCASES.

#8 – Write
Something you can actually start before your dog passes is a blog or book telling your dog’s tails. Lenore Hirsch has both a blog (reflecting her dog Foxy’s perceptions of his life from his point of view) and a book written from his perspective that encourages pet rescue. Now that he is gone, both are lasting tributes to her amazing friend.

#9 – Slate Portrait Pendants
There are a lot of pet portraits out there, even for necklaces. But Nancy J.Bailey’s are unique because they are not made of any type of metal, but slate! Not only are they stunning, they are great for those with metal allergies that still wish to wear something that reminds them of their beloved dog.

#10 – Shadow Boxes
A shadow box is a great, easy way to remember your best friend. There are many sizes of boxes – small ones that will just hold a collar and ID Tags, to large ones that can hold her ashes, paw print, collar, and even favorite toys. Something like this can hang on the wall forever and keep your faithful friend alive in your heart and home.

#11 – Donation
Another great way to remember your dog is to make a donation in his name to an animal charity. For example, Operation Kindness, the largest no-kill shelter in North Texas, has many levels of gifts you can give to someone who lost a pet, or to honor your own lost friend. One unique thing they do is offer engraved pave stones for a gift of $150-250, your dog’s name will be engraved on a stone in there Memorial Garden.

#12 – Sterling Silver Pawprints
Jewel.re has beautiful pieces made of pure silver and created with your pet’s real paw prints. It’s an amazing way to keep your pet with you always. Nose prints will be available soon, contact them to ask about those items.