A new year means new fashion and trends! What should your pup strut his stuff in at the doggy park this year? Are his old duds still in style or passé? Laurren Darr is the Founder of the International Association of Pet Fashion Professionals (IAPFP). From clothing to accessories to housewares, she’s been crazy about pet fashion since before it became cool. In 2013, she co-authored “Pet Fashion Almanac 2014″ with Ellen Zucker, which became a #1 Best Seller. Wondering about this year? The “Pet Fashion Almanac 2015” (also a Best Seller) is out and can be purchased on Amazon.com.
We caught up with Darr on New Year’s Eve, to give you latest fashions as the ball dropped on 2014.
What styles are expected to carry over from 2014?
I expect the mixing of different textiles and patterns to carry over from 2014. This could mean designers pair a plaid with a polka dot or they create contrast by using different types of fabrics.

What styles will not come back?
Instead of having the high amount of bling in the form of embellishments, I expect to see those fashionistas that like to stand out in shiny fabrics instead.

What colors will be hot in 2014?
Colors that are the most trendy right now would be orchid (the 2014 color of the year, making its way into pet fashion designs), deep royal blue, silver, solid black (many times paired with bright white), burgundy and red. Look for the shiny fabrics and bright yellow and orange in the spring.

Any new products (types of jackets, booties, accessories, etc) that are expected to make waves in 2015?
Practical items will be more popular as people look to fashion to solve problems and not just look good. Central Park Pup has the all-in-one harness for example. Wearable tech that can look good, but also serve a practical purpose will also continue to be popular – like lights on dog coats, for example.

Are people expected to dress their dogs more in 2015?
I think the number of people that dress their dogs will continue to rise in 2015. Much of this will be attributed to dog fashion becoming a part of everyday life while part of this will be because more options are becoming available for all shapes and sizes.

Any top designers that are emerging in 2015?
Light Up Fashions is emerging as the leader with LED fashion. Karine Ng has been highly innovative with Central Park Pups and the all-in-one coat and harness trend. Alexandra Giladi of Really Love Dogs is creative with her Urban Pawnk designs.
I may be a bit biased because I’ve participated in the program, but I’m noticing that the designers that take the time to go through the Pet Product Design program at FIT are standing out not only from a creative standpoint, but seem to be extremely well-equipped from a business perspective also. Karine and Alexandra are both from the program and have really come onto the scene in the short time since they graduated.

About the Author
Based in Wilsonville, Ore., animal lover Kristina N. Lotz is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA). She is the founder of A Fairytail House. In her spare time, she trains and competes in herding, agility, obedience, rally, and conformation with her Shetland Sheepdogs. She smartly married a Veterinary Technician, who helps keep the fur kids happy and healthy, and provides a quick resource for articles.