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5 Must Watch Documentaries About Dogs

Written by: Renee Moen
| Published on November 18, 2014

There is no doubt about it, dogs are special. There are sites dedicated to all things dog from their cuteness, to their health, and their endearing quirky nature. Listed below are some documentaries that are not only entertaining and informative, they may just spur a dog enthusiast into action. Whether it is putting an end to breed discrimination, puppy mills, or simply want to know what drives a dog to act a certain way.

Beyond the Myth

People tend to judge a book by its cover. Usually it has nothing to do with a specific dog, but the ideas, experiences, or stories surrounding certain breeds tend to play on a person’s subconscious. With preconceived notions embedded, it’s natural to react to feelings and not remember actual facts. The topic of the documentary “Beyond the Myth” (available on Netflix) explores the actuality of Pit Bulls and breed discrimination. This is a must watch for any animal activist.

Dogs Decoded

An in depth documentary on canine intelligence; this offering from NOVA explores the incredible bond shared between dogs and humans, the evolution of canine adaptability in the human world and the boundless loyalty they have for us. Dogs Decoded can be watched on You Tube or at the PBS site HERE

Madonna of the Mills

Most people have an idea of what is involved with puppy mills, but few have seen these mills in action. In 2011 HBO produced a documentary which followed one woman as she travels through puppy mills in Pennsylvania, rescuing breeder dogs from their hellish environment. This incredibly moving story may have some scenes hard to watch, but for someone wanting to get involved, knowledge. This documentary is available on DVD.

And Man Created Dog

National Geographic produced this ninety minute documentary on the constantly developing relationship between man and dog. Through breeding, rearing, and training, humans have designed and shaped canine evolution for over fourteen thousand years to suit every generation and every walk of life. Available to watch on YouTube, this movie is an interesting look at the origin of dogs, and where the species might be headed.

Dogs and Their Secret lives

From the United Kingdom, Channel 4 broadcast an enlightening documentary on separation anxiety in dogs. Placing hidden cameras in the homes of forty test subjects, a former veterinarian, a canine behaviorist and owners sat down to watch the footage and deduce how best to ease their dogs nervous behavior. Using modern day science and everyday training methods, two professionals set out to help anxious dogs and their emotional owners. The movie is available on YouTube.








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